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Digital Marketing: E-commerce - Beginner

Merton College, In Sutton
5 weeks
65 GBP
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Course delivery
5 weeks
65 GBP
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Course description

Digital Marketing: E-commerce - Beginner:

This course will introduce you to internet marketing. You will learn the considerations for setting up a virtual shop and how to create content for your e-commerce site. The course also covers keyword research, search engine optimisation and social media marketing. The topics covered include: an overview of internet marketing; choosing a domain and host; targeting your audience; search engine optimisation (SEO); using Google Analytics; social media marketing; taking quality photos of your products; understanding and selecting keywords.

Your tutor will observe group tasks and there will be question and answer sessions. After completion of this course, you could take another e-commerce or digital marketing course at the College.

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Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Classroom
  • Sutton

Suitability - Who should attend?

Students will need a good level of English and you should be able to use a computer and the internet confidently.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

No Qualification

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