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Alternatives to Redundancy - Implementation & Implications Explained - Webinar

1.3 hours
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Available On-Demand See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
1.3 hours
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Available On-Demand See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online

Course description

There are occasions when it seems that it is inevitable that redundancies will be needed in an organisation. However, sometimes alternatives are available.

During this webinar, expert speaker Kathy Daniels will outline the legal definition of a redundancy and will identify possible alternatives to redundancy. Consideration will also be given to how these alternative approaches could be implemented and the legal implications of doing so.

Some of the alternatives to be discussed include contract changes, recruitment freezes, temporary cessation of work, cost savings & more.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Available On-Demand

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Following all MBL courses, a certificate of attendance will be provided for those who are required to evidence their CPD activity to a professional body.

Training Course Content


There are occasions when it seems that it is inevitable that redundancies will be needed in an organisation. However, sometimes alternatives are available.

During this webinar, expert speaker Kathy Daniels will outline the legal definition of a redundancy and will identify possible alternatives to redundancy. Consideration will also be given to how these alternative approaches could be implemented and the legal implications of doing so.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Redundancy
    • The legal definition
  • Alternatives: Contract Changes
    • Short-term working - hours and days
    • Pay cuts
    • Other changes to terms and conditions of employment
  • Recruitment/Retraining
    • Recruitment freezes
    • Retraining existing staff
    • Redeploying existing staff
  • Temporary Cessation of Work
    • Lay offs
    • Stopping the use of casual workers/agency workers
    • Changing permanent work to casual work
    • Introducing flexible working
    • Career breaks/sabbaticals
  • Cost Savings
    • Stopping overtime working
    • Stopping bonuses/changing commissions
  • Managing the Situation
    • Communication with employees
    • Review periods/monitoring the approaches
    • When and how to return to normal (if at all)


From £99
MBL Seminars Limited
C/o Law Business Research
Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn
WC1V 7QT London

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