4.6 (12 Reviews)

inavit iQ (Pty) Ltd

In Roodepoort (+ 2 locations)
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inavit iQ (Pty) Ltd

inavit iQ

Our purpose and commitment to clients is simple: Deliver sustainable business impact through mindful collaboration.

In our client collaborations we aim to:

  • Display respect for client systems by being inclusive, collaborative and deliberate (mindful and purposeful)
  • Co-create “fit-for-purpose” solutions rather than off-the-shelf “we know best” content
  • Deliver value by always keeping our client's requirements at heart (and in mind)
  • Craft solutions based on a scientific foundation with an uncompromising commitment to quality

In collaboration with our clients, inavit iQ offers the following solutions:

Leadership, People and Culture solutions and Customer Experience solutions
Unlock your leadership potential with our tailored development solutions! inavit iQ crafts personalised learning paths tailored to levels of complexity, ensuring progression across your leadership pipeline. inavit iQ's learning design caters for diverse learning styles and preferences, promoting experience-based learning and leveraging digital learning platforms for scalability and an enriched learning experience.

Join us in shaping tomorrow's leaders! inavit iQ's people development initiatives offer dynamic learning experiences, equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and values vital for professional, business, and personal success.

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Our Approach

As indicated in the picture our unique approach is based on the following logic:

  • The realisation of business impact (such as profit, top-line revenue growth)
  • is dependent on the creation of customer delight (loyal and satisfied customers)
  • which is a direct result of the delivery of value-added products / services by high-performing people
  • who work in a fit-for-purpose environment
  • and are led by capable, competent and credible leadership
  • all aiming for a common goal and strategy
  • of addressing the dynamics of the competitive landscape in an innovative manner that builds the business brand and reputation.

The Business Value Model (BVM) allows us to focus – throughout solution design – on the key levers with business impact. Thus our aim is to co-create sustainable business solutions.

How We Work

When working with our clients, we follow a phased process, collaborating closely on design while implementing smart and sustainable solutions.


Why choose inavit iQ (Pty) Ltd

For us it starts with why, and the ‘’why’’ for us centers on healthy businesses that contribute towards healthy communities.

We are a business partner that owns and develops people, leadership and culture solutions to enable people to thrive, contribute to and deliver business impact in an unusual business world.

We understand that each client is different, and a standardised approach doesn’t always work. By being deliberate about understanding your culture and your business, we co-create solutions with you.

What Our Clients Say

  • It was absolutely amazing. Learning was insightful and practical.
  • The facilitator was brilliant and really engaging. Had an absolutely wonderful week of class. The insights I received challenged me to make drastic improvements in my life.
  • Insightful, engaging and well-informed Facilitator! I will certainly recommend him to anyone/company


Average rating 4.6

Based on 12 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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25 Apr 2024

This was very insightful, I learnt so many techniques to engage my audience and how to come across in a more professional way

11 Apr 2024

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you so dearly for the information and knowledge sharing Lucas.  You may rest assured knowing that the message landed. For me this hasn’t bee...

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14 Oct 2023

The entire experience and knowledge I've gained in this course has been invaluable. Not only growth as a leader but personal growth as well.

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inavit iQ (Pty) Ltd

381 Ontdekkers Road, Florida Park Ext 3
1709 Roodepoort

Phone no: +27826632806
