Course description
Handling Workplace Stress (ROSPA Endorsed)
Work is actually very good for most people as it provides a purpose in life, and a source of personal fulfilment. Work pressure can, therefore, be a positive and a motivating factor that helps us to achieve our goals and full potential.
Work-related stress, however, occurs when aspects of job design such as constant change, long hours, or tight deadlines - result in work pressures of various kinds becoming excessive. This excessive pressure can leave people feeling worried, uncertain, and overwhelmed by stress.
This course aims to enable the learner to understand what work-related stress is, what causes it, and how to handle it effectively.
Upcoming start dates
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Awarding Body: Learning Nexus
Our qualifications are Regulated Qualifications issued by the leading Awarding Organisations that are recognised throughout the UK.
The certificate successful learners receive on completion of a Regulated Qualification will contain the logo of the Awarding Organisation, and the relevant UK Regulator (Ofqual) along with the full qualification title and qualification number.
Course price: £17.99 (Inc VAT)