Course description
Level 2 Certificate Introducing Caring for Children and Young People - Free Online Course
We all know how important it is for children and young people to be safe and well cared for. Unfortunately, some children are at risk of abuse and exploitation. If you’re involved in caring for children and you want to help those affected by these issues, our level 2 certificate in Caring for Children and Young People can help you gain the skills you need. You will learn about protecting children in a babysitting environment, including how to prevent accidents and fire safety skills. The course also covers key skills about parenting, including parents’ rights and responsibilities and information about healthy lifestyles.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
The learner must live in England and be over 19 years old
Outcome / Qualification etc.
- Achieve a nationally recognised Level 2 qualification
- Evidence your competency to employers
- Further your personal and professional development
- Improve your understanding of the importance of correctly responding to evidence or concerns that a child or young person has been abused, harmed or bullied
Awarding Body : NCFE CACHE
Training Course Content
- Caring for Young Children in a Babysitting Environment
- Accident Prevention and Fire Safety When Babysitting
- Rights and Responsibilities in Relation to Parenting
- Parenting and Healthy Lifestyles
Learning Curve Group
Learning Curve Group is a national training and education specialist. We work with further education providers, employers and learners to help them achieve success. Since 2004, Learning Curve Group (LCG) has grown both organically and through acquisition to become one...