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Places within Scotland

Case studies within Teaching

Scotland is world renowned for its friendly natives and scenic beauty. There are various factors that contribute towards Scotland being a great place to enroll on teacher training. The climate is temperate and oceanic, and though it is a leading manufacturing country, Scotland is green, healthy and a highly appealing location to take teacher training.

The internal commuter system and transport is very well managed, so workers and professionals find no trouble travelling to their place of work in Scotland. Furthermore, due to its emergence as a business and innovation hub, the employment rate in Scotland is astonishingly high and those who complete teacher training in Scotland will finish their course ready to take advantage of the wide array of employment opportunities awaiting them in the Scottish education sector.

Education in Scotland 

Education is a crucially important part of any society, and Scotland is a nation where first-class, world-leading education is accessible to all. The Scottish education sector has a long and proud history, as well as a bright future focused on innovation.

Scotland is renowned for becoming the first nation to offer compulsory education for both boys and girls in the 17th century, with the quality of teaching and teacher training available in Scotland making it a world-leader in many different research sectors and global education more widely today.

Teacher training in Scotland - who is it suited to?

Teacher training courses in Scotland are suitable for anyone hoping to build a career in education, professional development or teaching, either in the public or private sector. It is also suitable for those already working in the education sector who want to gain formal recognition of their skills with certification, as well as those with no teaching experience who would like to begin their career. 

Teacher training Scotland - what might my course cover?

Teacher training courses in Scotland can vary depending on the form of education/teaching you wish to become qualified in. However, most teacher training courses in Scotland will consist of units grounded in the following areas:

  • Best practices and approaches to teaching
  • The responsibilities and role of the teacher 
  • Safeguarding young adults and children
  • Teaching with special educational needs 
  • Effective assessment methods

Formats of teacher training courses in Scotland

Most teacher training in Scotland is offered on scheduled dates where participants can attend their training provider's facilities and benefit from face-to-face expert instruction as well as the opportunity to participate in group exercises.

Another popular training format of teacher training is in-house training. In-house training options enable you to tailor training programmes to meet the needs of groups of staff, with the training delivered live on the company premises.

Distance learning is also available and allows students to study at their own pace and fit their teacher training in Scotland alongside other responsibilities. Course and examination materials are accessible online and many training provider's offer the support of an assessor throughout the process.