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Professional Training
4.8 (8 Reviews)

Introduction to Counselling Skills

Redbridge Institute, In Ilford
8 weeks
149 GBP
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Course delivery
8 weeks
149 GBP
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Course description

What will I learn?

In this course, you will gain an overview of basic counselling skills that may be useful in a variety of helping relationships and professions. You will be able to practise some simple counselling techniques in a safe and supportive environment. It may also give an insight into the nature of counselling work and could help you to decide whether you want to progress to further counselling skills training or make a useful complement for other personal development and vocational courses. The course will introduce you to basic counselling skills and knowledge including: Positive interactions, active listening and body language; Giving and receiving feedback; How to use your skills effectively in a helping environment.

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Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Classroom
  • Ilford

Suitability - Who should attend?

What do I need to know?

Students need to be at least 18+, Enthusiasm and a desire to learn.An interest in the subject and a willingness to take an active part in the class The time and commitment necessary to attend each week and undertake personal study and homework.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Professional or Industry specific qualification

Why choose Redbridge Institute

Graded 'Outstanding' by Ofsted

5,000 successful students annually

4,000+ courses  


Average rating 4.8

Based on 8 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
Write a review!
julia nixon
17 Dec 2019
level1 counselling

i thoroughly enjoyed this course and will continue to use the skills i have gained within my every day experiences

cassandra toussaint
17 Dec 2019
counselling course

great course. i am looking forward to level 2.

Andrew Brookes
17 Dec 2019
Counselling Course Level 1

I found the course very interesting,from a personal and professional point of view. It made me aware of what the role of a counsellor entails and the skills that are needed to ...

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Concessionary fee for eligible learners: £34.00

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