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Professional Training

Professional Development for Health and Social Care

899 GBP
899 GBP
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Course description

This three-course Professional Development for Health and Social Care bundle of NCFE CACHE qualifications is perfect for anyone currently working in health and social care who wants to develop professionally. Each course in this bundle will provide you with valuable knowledge and understanding that will help you perform to a higher level in your career and increase your chances of progression. The CACHE Level 2 Prevention and Control of Infection course will cover the common sources of infection and how it is transmitted, as well as how you can manage the cleaning, decontamination, and waste management when it comes to infection control, including the use of personal protective equipment and cleaning schedules. During the NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medicines course, you'll learn the correct ways to supply, store, and dispose of medication in a safe manner and the legislation and guidance relating to the safe administration of medication. You will also expand your knowledge of how to record information in a confidential manner and the audit process in relation to transactions and stock levels. And finally, the CACHE Level 2 Award in Awareness of End of Life Care course will cover the principles and policies involved in end of life care, as well as the factors you need to understand when it comes to communication. You will also learn more about the support services available and the potential barriers someone may face when accessing end of life care.

Course Content

NCFE CACHE Level 2 Award in Awareness of End of Life Care

Unit 1 Understand how to work in end of life care (A/503/8085, unit level 2; GLH: 28; credits 3)

  • Know different perspectives on death and dying
  • Understand the aims, principles and policies of end of life care
  • Understand factors regarding communication in end of life care
  • Know how to access the range of support services available to individuals and others
  • Identify the potential barriers an individual may face when accessing end of life care
  • Define local and national policy and guidance for care after death
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding the Safe Handling of Medicines

Unit 1 Understand medication and prescriptions (Y/601/9571; unit level 2; GLH 23 hours; credits 3)

  • Use of different types of medication
  • Understand how medicines are classified
  • Legislation and guidelines related to medication
  • The roles of self and others in the medication process
  • Accessing information about medication

Unit 2 Supply, storage, and disposal of medication (K/601/9574; unit level 2; GLH 24 hours; credits 3)

  • How medicines are supplied and obtained
  • Requirements for storing medication
  • Requirements for the safe disposal of medication

Unit 3 Understand the requirements for the safe administration of medicine (T/601/9576; unit level 2; GLH 39 hours; credits 4)

  • Legislation and guidance in relation to administration of medicine
  • Preparation to be taken prior to administering medication
  • How medication is administered safely and in a way that meets individual needs
  • Supporting individuals to administer their own medication
  • The procedures to follow when there are problems with the administration of medication
  • Monitoring the effects of medication

Unit 4 Record-keeping and audit processes for medication, administration, and storage (F/601/9578; unit level 2; GLH 24 hours; credits 3)

  • Audit process in relation to medication transactions and stock levels
  • How information is recorded and confidentiality maintained
  • Own role in relation to accountability and responsibility
  • The importance of safeguarding individuals in relation to medication use
NCFE CACHE Level 2 Prevention and Control of Infection

Unit 1 The principles of infection prevention and control (L/501/6737; unit level 2; GLH 30; credits 3)

  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Legislation and policies
  • Systems and procedures
  • Risk assessment
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Good personal hygiene in the prevention
  • Control of infections

Unit 2 Causes and spread of infection (H/501/7103; unit level 2; GLH 20; credits 2)

  • Common illnesses and infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites
  • Infection and colonisation
  • Systemic infection
  • Localised infection
  • Poor practices
  • Transmission of infection
  • Growth of microorganisms
  • Infective agents
  • Common sources of infection
  • Infective agents can be transmitted
  • Key factors

Unit 3 Cleaning, decontamination, and waste management (R/501/6738; unit level 2; GLH 20; credits 2)

  • Environmental cleaning
  • Cleaning schedules
  • Correct management
  • National policy
  • Decontamination process
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Risks
  • Cleaning and storing equipment
  • Different categories of waste
  • Dealing with waste safely

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