Course description
Conservators and restorers represent a small occupational group in the process of professionalising. A recent project has seen agreement on a practice-based system as the primary route to professional accreditation. This system draws on some of the principles established through UK occupational standards and National Vocational Qualifications, while incorporating modifications to aid clarity, improve the ease and rigour of assessment, and reflect intelligent, reflective practice.
The PACR training shall provide the skills on what grounds professional practitioners are accredited, and how occupational standards can be applied and assessed in a professional context
The PACR (Professional Accreditation of Conservator-Restorers) course shall provide the skills for professionalization in a small, specialised and fragmented occupation assessing practice and understanding in the workplace. Thus drawing on the occupational (competence) standards which have been developed in the UK during the 1980s and 1990s, and incorporates similar assessment principles to those underpinning National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs).
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
The course on professional accreditation of conservator restorers (PACR) is implied for:
- Conservation professionals who can demonstrate a level of proficiency in the profession of conservation of cultural heritage
- Individual conservators working in institutional or other employment or in private practice
Outcome / Qualification etc.
After successful completion of this course you would be able to :
- Practical exam training
- Explanation through case studies
- Solving previous years exam questions
- Interact with fellow students and the instructor, who is on hand to give advice and promptly respond to questions in the discussion forums.
Training Course Content
Day 1
Conservation practice
- Evaluating conservation problems in context
- Developing conservation strategies
- Developing and implementing interventive treatment
- Developing and implementing preventive procedures
- Managing work, resources and projects
- Contributing to the interests of the profession
Day 2
- Demonstrating professional values and management of value-conflicts
- Demonstrating intelligent practice and professional judgement
- Demonstrating reflection, enquiry and personal professional development
- Demonstrating sensitivity to the cultural context of materials and the values of people
- Demonstrating effective, appropriate and sensitive communication
Day 3
Specification of a functional standard
- Communicable expertise in your chosen field
- Evidence of relevant research and updating in your field
- Evidence of communication and sharing of your knowledge with professional and nonprofessional audiences
- Appreciation of the significance of your field in relation to your work context, the conservation
- Profession, and cultural heritage more generally.
Day 4
- Require choices between options which lead to significantly different outcomes
- Present dilemmas and value-conflicts or require significant value-judgements
- Present substantial technical problems, for instance in relation to unstable or degraded materials
- Require a deep level of practical understanding to be applied to the situation
- Require the marshalling and management of a wide range of resources.
Day 5
- PACR exam questions
- Case studies
- Documentation
- Managing conservation treatment contracts to [organisation] procurement standards.
- Archiving all collection care and treatment records and adding to [name] database.
- Ensuring that Health and Safety procedures are adhered to.
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London Premier Centre is a UK leading training provider based in London and specialises in international short courses. Our inspiring, comprehensive portfolio of more than 400 professional development courses and seminars covers a wide range of professions from Administration, Leadership,...