Course description
Marine accident is one of the many challenges the maritime industry continues to face. In this ever-changing world, where technology and the industry itself, undergo unceasing developments, risks have greatly evolved and multiplied which can further jeopardize safety both on ships and in ports.
With this course, we will be able to understand how vital risk assessment, understand the risk management process, and establish proactive measures to mitigate the risks. Moreso in this course, we will be able to process how effective incident investigation is conducted and devise countermeasures that would prevent its recurrence.
Upcoming start dates
Outcome / Qualification etc.
- Review the nature of maritime sector accidents.
- Recognize maritime legislation and its impact upon operations.
- Understand the principles of risk management to maritime operations.
- Demonstrate risk management procedures.
- Recognize importance of Incident Investigation
- Understand incident investigation techniques and its processes.
Training Course Content
- Background: Maritime Operations
- Overview of Risks, Hazards, and Consequences in Maritime Operations
- Principles of Maritime Risk Management
- The Risk Assessment Process
Marine Accident Causation
- Overview of Maritime Laws, Regulations, and Codes
- Maritime Accidents and their causes
- Risk Management Tools and Methodologies
Introduction: Investigation of Marine Incidents
- Background on Maritime Incident Investigation
- Terminology
- Relationship of Incident Investigation Terms
Investigation Proper
- Initiating Investigation
- Gathering and Preserving Data
- Analyzing Data
- Identifying Root Causes
- Developing Recommendations
- Completing the Investigation
Other Guidelines and Recommendations
- Selecting Incidents for Analysis
- Study of Trends
- Fault Tree Analysis
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London Maritime Academy
London Maritime Academy provides a wide range of maritime training courses tailored to the global industry. Located in London and known for international standards, we offer diverse Classroom and Online courses taught by highly experienced experts in the maritime sector....