Course description
Emotional Intelligence is the ability to be in touch with one’s emotions to the point where feelings can be identified, understood, and then used in social interactions. It provides ability to read and pick up nonverbal communications, which is benefit to everyone.
With ourEmotional Intelligence at Workworkshop your participants will be will introduced to ideas and techniques for increasing and understanding their Emotional Intelligence. These skills are widely desired by all employers as these employees are better communicators. They are better at developing relationships and have useful conflict resolution skills which are useful in every workplace.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
You don’t need any special equipment for this course, just a PC or Mac to watch the videos and a pen to take notes if you are using the eLearning modules. There are no pre-requisites for this training, hence anyone can attend.
Training Course Content
- Module One: Getting Started
- Module Two: Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
- Module Three: Benefits
- Module Four: Social Skills
- Module Five: Reducing Anxiety and Stress
- Module Six: Conflict Resolution
- Module Seven: Relationship Management
- Module Eight: Overcoming Obstacles at Work
- Module Nine: Building Rapport
- Module Ten: Nonverbal Communication
- Module Eleven: Emotional Awareness and Empathetic Accuracy
- Module Twelve: Wrapping Up
Course delivery details
Direct delivery via tutor-led training session, offering you interactive training in a small classroom setting or engaging eLearning modules. The sessions are packed with exercises and hands-on experiences, thus enabling you to translate what you have learnt in the course to the workplace and professionally.
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Lion Heart Consulting
LH consulting is your premier destination for accredited courses. Whether you are complete beginner or veteran looking to gain your professional qualification or up skill your soft skills, we offer a full range of courses. We consider that giving your...