Course description
Working at Height with Access Equipment (ROSPA Endorsed)
Ladders and stepladders can be a sensible and practical option for low-risk, short-duration tasks, whilst Mobile Elevated Working Platforms (or ‘MEWPs’), are designed to provide a safe work platform for temporary work at height. With this in mind, it’s essential that employees have the information necessary to enable them to plan and manage any job tasks they undertake that involve working at height with access equipment. This course will provide them with, and check their understanding of, that information.
Upcoming start dates
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Awarding Body:Learning Nexus
Our qualifications are Regulated Qualifications issued by the leading Awarding Organisations that are recognised throughout the UK.
The certificate successful learners receive on completion of a Regulated Qualification will contain the logo of the Awarding Organisation, and the relevant UK Regulator (Ofqual) along with the full qualification title and qualification number.
By the end of this course you will be able to:
- Detail the consequence of ladder misuse
- Describe the circumstances under which a ladder or stepladder should be used
- Explain how to use ladders and stepladders
- List ladder inspection and maintenance requirements
- List the risk controls required in respect of MEWP's
Course price: £17.99 (Inc VAT)