Course description
BREEAM UK Non-domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out | New Assessor
This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to become a licensed BREEAM Non-Domestic Refurbishment and Fit-Out Assessor. This enables you to drive sustainability by assessing and delivering Refurbishment and Fit-Out BREEAM certified projects in the UK.
This training course enables you to understand BREEAM Refurbishment and Fit-out (RFO) assessment scheme, equipping you with the skills to carry out BREEAM assessments on RFO projects.
Successfully completing this course allows you to apply to become a BREEAM Non-domestic Refurbishment assessor.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Is it right for me?
While this course has no prerequisites, it is particularly aimed at those interested in:
- Designing or specifying buildings for low environmental impact.
- Delivering BREEAM environmental assessments.
- Satisfying CPD requirements and gaining a recognised qualification.
Outcome / Qualification etc.
CPD: 48 hours
After completing the course learners will be able to
- Understand the BREEAM process and the context for BREEAM UK Non-domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out.
- Navigate and be confident in assessing the technical aspects of the BREEAM UK Non-domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out scheme.
- Understand the assessment process and the support in place for the scheme and assessors.
- Understand the certification process.
- Successfully carry out BREEAM assessments on RFO projects.
Successfully passing this course enables you to apply to become a BREEAM UK Non-domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out assessor.
Training Course Content
This course comprises of approximately 30 hours of own-pace online training introducing you to the BREEAM UK Non-domestic Refurbishment and Fit-out scheme. This is followed by a virtual classroom-based training course, focusing on technical aspects of the scheme:
Online training
Through interactive online modules, you will be introduced to the scheme, building your knowledge and confidence with it.
Virtual classroom training
- Day 1: Learners participate in interactive workshops and group learning activities to better understand the technical issues in more depth and review issues in a wider context. Topics covered include: scope, scheme classification, weightings, certification, professional appointments, historic buildings, and a review of Energy and the Health & Well-being categories.
- Day 2: Covers Energy calculators, a review of the Transport, Ecology and Material categories, Flood prevention & resilience and Waste strategies. The day also looks at the scope of BREEAM, examination information and the BREEAM Quality Assurance process.
The course concludes with a separate online examination. This will be set at a day and time to be agreed between the learner and ProctorU, our online examination partner. There are two exams which must be passed before a learner is classified as competent:
- BREEAM General Understanding examination.
- BREEAM UK Non-Domestic RFO Technical examination.
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BRE Academy
The BRE Academy is the leading training provider for the built environment. Most courses are developed by BRE – a science research hub with 100 years of experience in safety and sustainability. As a profit-for-purpose, all fees go towards further...