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Safe and efficient driving is a highly valuable skill, and there are a variety of different driving training courses available depending on your personal and professional needs. Becoming an qualified driver or instructor can prove to be highly rewarding and may open doors to jobs and earning potential that may have previously seemed out of reach.

Whatever area of the driving field you are hoping to become qualified in, with the broad range of high quality driver training courses available from top providers across the UK, there’s never been a better time to get started! Read more below to learn more about the specific types of driving training course you can pursue.

Heavy goods vehicle driver training 

HGV licenses are a popular qualification, and ensure that participants complete training with the ability to drive heavy goods vehicles and operate machinery safely in a warehouse or similar on-site situation. In many cases, the difference between getting hired and missing out on an attractive job opportunity could be the absence or presence of a HGV licence on your resume.

Driving courses for professional drivers

Elite driving skills are required in a number of professions including the police force and immediate response driving, as well as in private occupational driving. Driving training courses will teach you how to improve overall vehicle control, hazard awareness, evasive driving and vehicle maintenance. 

With courses lasting between 5 and 10 days, you will be given both practical and classroom based learning tasks that deal with factors such as observation, vehicle dynamics, driving systems and on the road techniques. Offered both independently to drivers and as a part of professional development courses, advanced driving training courses are perfect for occupational drivers who have already completed basic driving courses. Road safety training courses may also be of interest to drivers and driving instructors alike.

Driving instructor training programmes

If you're looking to begin or advance a career as a driving instructor, BTEC qualifications are available from driving instructor schools to help assist you in obtaining the necessary qualifications to become an instructor. Driving instructor training will also offer helpful tips on how you can begin your own instructor business or joining a driving school.

Driving training courses are also available from a number of highly regarded professional bodies that offer an industry leading standard of training. With courses being offered by the AA, the DVLA and local authorities, there are a number of ways that those with no previous instructor experience can get started on the journey towards becoming a fully qualified driving instructor.

Courses will require participants to complete three different tests, all of which must be passed concurrently. With both practical, classroom and test elements it is an exhaustive and highly regarded professional qualification that can lead to a prosperous and lucrative career.

Making the right choice

There are a huge number of driving courses for people interested in the driving profession to choose from. Be sure to match you experiences and expertise with the right course and research all the available opportunities online before committing. If you're interested in transportation but not sure if driving is right for you, check out our logistics and transport category here.

Driving courses are available for those starting out in the industry as well as for the professional looking to stay abreast of the latest developments.

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