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Displaying 1-20 of 179 results

What is Mindfulness Training?

Mindfulness is a form of meditation derived from Buddhism and developed into a non-faith therapy. Using the mindfulness meditation method is an innovative approach to physical and mental healthcare problems which has considerable evidence and clinical research to support its success. In the United Kingdom, the National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) has approved and recommend mindfulness in their guidelines as a cost-effective treatment for various health conditions: physiological and psychological. Participants of mindfulness training courses have the unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of this therapy combined with methods and treatments that are used together for effective results. Those looking for mindfulness training for personal or professional reasons will benefit from courses that increase concentration, reduce anxiety, and boost creativity.

Mindfulness Training and Associated Therapies

Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) training courses look at the relevant aspects of the Buddhist philosophy and psychology. Empirical research is studied to support the usefulness and applications of mindfulness-based CBT programmes. While an understanding of each training participant's own personal mindfulness experience is also examined and developed throughout the courses, as well. Moreover, developing and designing relevant mindfulness programmes is key for many throughout mindfulness training. These courses are particularly beneficial for leaders looking to strengthen their mind and create a positive working environment for all. Investing in the sustainability of a positive and thoughtful approach to workplace problems not only promotes the wellness of the employees but also the long-term health of the business.

Applications of Mindfulness Training Techniques

The techniques covered in mindfulness training can be applied to combat a wealth of disorders including: ailing health, anxiety, psoriasis, chronic pain, cancer, stress, bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis and many more complex disorders. Course providers across the United Kingdom offer mindfulness training that covers methods for instructing as life coaches and project management consultants alike. These participants use mindfulness awareness mediation to adopt positive attitudes that help improve their particular situations. Drawing on relevant research, theory and clinical literature, tutors highlight and explain the full scope of what can be achieved by trained professionals.

Topics Covered During Mindfulness Training

Many of the subjects covered within each course are approved by national bodies, such as the Counselling National Occupational Standards and the National Occupational Standards for Healing. It is possible to complete mindfulness training at a distance using e-learning, online classrooms, webinars and flexible facilities. There are a number of diplomas available that cater to different skill sets in the specialist areas mentioned above. From healthcare workers and counsellors to portfolio and project business managers, there are options for participants to learn about these dynamic techniques and gain valuable insights into the practical knowledge for utilizing mindfulness in the appropriate circumstances for proven great results.

Mindfulness Training Approaches

Mindfulness courses are available as open classroom courses, bespoke packages for company employees as well as online options. Blended learning approaches are increasingly popular among both individuals and companies who choose mindfulness training for its various applications in the work environment. From stress management to mentoring, coaching and anger management, professional mindfulness courses can have a visible positive impact on organisational performance overall. If you are an organization with a large number of employees who need training, in-house training might be for you. Search through courses for a trainer who can bring expert in-house training to you and your employees. 

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Case Study
Health and Social Care Training

First Response Training have been working with Dimensions since early 2007 to provide a wide range of health and safety and social care training courses to their staff.

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