Workforce Training & Development Ltd - Apprenticeship Training
Workforce Training & Development was formed and based in Northamptonshire in 2004.
We have grown to be one of the countries most respected training providers within the food industry.
We have completed over 16,000 food production qualifications across the UK with a success rate of 96%.
Our team of assessors have a collective experience of over 100 years of food production experience.
We have a strong partnership network and work closely with the relevant awarding bodies.
We also sit on the FDQ steering group to develop trailbalzer qualifications.
As an awarding body centre we can also offer technical qualifications.
Our recent "upskilling" programme has been designed to inspire and challenge learners during their apprenticeship qualification.
Workforce Training & Development Ltd offers apprenticeships in the following sectors:
Food Industry Skills
Meat and Poultry Industry Skills