Course description
Ruby is a high level Interpreted, Object Oriented, rapid development language deployed in many scenarios in the modern world.
This Ruby on Rails course is designed to give delegates the knowledge to develop and maintain Ruby applications and Rails based projects.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?Developers who are required to write, maintain and test Ruby applications and projects based on Ruby on Rails.
Course ObjectivesThis course aims to provide the delegate with the knowledge to be able to understand, develop and maintain Ruby applications and Rails based projects.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Delegates attending this course should have experience programming in Ruby. This knowledge can be obtained by attendance on the pre-requisite Ruby Programming course.
Experience to the level as demonstrated in this course is recommended:
- Ruby Programming
Training Course Content
Ruby on Rails Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction- Administration and Course Materialsqq
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- What is REST
- RESTful architecture
- A simple REST client
- Install Ruby on Rails on an operating system
- The Model-View-Controller approach
- Rails Conventions
- Rails project structure
- Using RubyGems with Rails
- What is a Route
- Define routes that recognize incoming URLs
- Use named route methods to generate URLs based on the routing scheme
- Apply and understand the RESTful routing conventions
- Design apps to take advantage of the REST conventions in Rails
- What is a Model
- Using ActiveRecord
- Validations
- Associations
- Migrations
Course Contents - DAY 2
Session 5: : CONTROLLERS- What is a Controller
- Creating controllers
- Using ActionController
- Writing Actions
- Filters
- What is a View
- Exploring ActionView
- Writing Views for actions
- Partials
- Forms
- Creating the project
- Project Directory structure
- Using the Rails web server
- Creating the initial controller
- Modify the initial index.html file
- Setting the Route
- Creating a resource
- Viewing routes with rake
- What is Scaffolding
- Creating a new project
- Generating the Rail Scaffold
- Customising the application
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Average rating 5
Continuing Studies
Further Learning
- Apache Web Server
- Introduction to MySQL
- Python Programming 1
- PHP Developer
Request info
Why StayAhead. From a single person on a scheduled course to large scale training projects StayAhead Training have the expertise and experience to help. Established since 1992, StayAhead Training is recognised as one of the leading independent IT Training specialists...
On the whole I thought the course was excellent and so was the instructor. The premises was clean and tidy all the time.