Course description
This is a fast paced instructor led Red Hat Linux 8 for Experienced Red Hat Linux 7 Administrators training course. It is designed to give the delegates practical experience in the administration of a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (RHEL8) system.
With a strong emphasis on using the command line and practical hands-on training, this course will teach the administrative tasks required to successfully administer a Red Hat Linux 8 system.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?This Red Hat Linux 8 for Experienced Red Hat Linux 7 Administrators course is suitable for anyone who has already acquired administration skills for RHEL7 who wishes to acquire knowledge of the new features available within the Red Hat 8 operating system.
Course ObjectivesOn completion of this Red Hat Linux 8 for Experienced Red Hat Linux 7 Administrators course, the delegate will have gained practical experience of the required Linux commands to perform system administration tasks on RHEL8 systems.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
This is a fast paced course assumes good knowledge of the Red Hat Linux operating system to the level covered in the pre-requisite courses.
Experience to the level as demonstrated in these courses is recommended:
- Red Hat 7 System Administration - Part 1
- Red Hat 7 System Administration - Part 2
Training Course Content
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction- Administration and Course Materials
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- Which types of systems can be upgraded
- Implications of upgrading RHEL7
- Overview new features
- Deprecated and removed software
- Preparing a RHEL7 system for upgrade
- Composer Introduction
- Creating Composer images
- Using Composer within Cockpit
- Image Builder requirements and output formats
- Composing images from blueprints
- Exercise
- Introduction and advantages of DNF
- Configuring Repositories for DNF
- DNF command syntax
- Further features of DNF
- Exercise
- Cockpit Introduction
- Facilities provided by Cockpit
- Cockpit for Filesystems and Volume Management
- Exercise
- Stratis layered Storage Introduction
- Stratis storage considerations
- Creating Stratis Pools and Filesystems
- Extending Stratis storage
- Exercise
Course Contents - DAY 2
Session 6: INTRODUCTION TO VIRTUAL DATA OPTIMISER- VDO requirements and utilities
- Creating VDO volumes
- Increasing the size of Logical and Physical volumes
- Configuring VDO with Cockpit
- Exercise
- authselect Overview
- Selecting an authselect profile
- PAM Modules
- Modifying authselect profiles
- Exercise
- Linux Container Overview
- Advantages of Containers over Virtualization
- Docker Overview
- Building a Container using Buildah
- Running Containers with Podman
- Exercise
- NFTables Introduction
- When to use NFTables, iptables or firewalld
- Converting iptable rules to NFTable rules
- IPv4 and IPv6 address families
- Writing and executing NFTable rules
- Configuring Port Forwarding
- Writing NFTable scripts
- Automatically loading NFTable rules at boot time
- Exercise
- Ansible Introduction
- Ansible Inventories
- Ansible Modules and Playbooks
- Tasks and Roles
- Working with systemd unit files
- Monitoring overridden units
- Installing and configuring Ansible
- Ansible user and Inventory file
- Ansible client configuration
Customer Outreach Award
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Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.
Continuing Studies
Further Learning
- Red Hat 8 System Administration - Part 3: Linux Automation with Ansible
- Red Hat 8 Advanced System Administration
- Red Hat System Security
- Red Hat Networking
- Linux Shell Programming
- Linux Advanced Shell Programming Tools
- Apache Web Server
Request info
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