Course description
This highly practical instructor led Oracle Linux 9 Administration training course is designed to give delegates practical experience in the advanced concepts and use of Linux Administration. With a strong emphasis on practical hands on training using the command line, this course will teach advanced System Administration techniques to perform administration of Oracle Linux systems.
Although this Oracle Linux 9 Administration course is based on the Oracle Linux distribution, the delegate should be able to apply the concepts covered on this course to other Linux based distributions including, but not limited to Red Hat (RHEL), Fedora, CentOS and Amazon Linux amongst others.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?...
Who will the Course Benefit?This Oracle Linux 9 Administration course is suitable for novice Linux System Administrators, DevOps teams, Managers and systems support personnel to administer, deploy, configure and maintain Oracle Linux and other Red Hat-based Linux distributions.
The course would benefit Administrators who have acquired basic Unix/Linux command line skills to the level covered on the Linux Introduction course.
Course ObjectivesOn completion of this Oracle Linux 9 Administration course, the delegate will have gained practical experience of the skills required to configure, run and maintain Oracle Linux systems and other Red Hat-based Linux distributions within an enterprise environment.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
This Oracle Linux 9 Administration course assumes good knowledge of the Oracle Linux operating system in an Enterprise environment to the level covered in the Linux Introduction course. Alternatively, relevant experience of UNIX or Linux servers is required, preferably within an enterprise environment.
Knowledge of Linux Shell Programming to the level covered on the Linux Shell Programming course would also be beneficial.
Experience to the level as demonstrated in this course is recommended:
- Linux Introduction
Training Course Content
Oracle Linux 9 Administration Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction- Administration and Course Materials
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- GRUB2 configuration
- System information
- Viewing Linux devices
- The /etc/sysconfig directory
- The /proc and /sys filesystems
- Systemd Control Groups
- Exercise
- Creating, modifying and deleting user accounts
- Creating and modifying Linux groups
- Managing Linux passwords and hashing methods
- Managing users with Cockpit
- Configuring and retaining command history
- Exercise
- Viewing block devices
- Partitioning devices with gdisk and parted
- Filesystem comparison
- Creating XFS and EXT4 filesystems
- Mounting filesystems temporarily and permanently
- Configuring filesystem labels and UUIDs
- Exercise
Course Contents - DAY 2
Session 4: FURTHER FILESYSTEM OPERATIONS- EXT and XFS filesystem maintenance
- Creating and extending Btrfs filesystems
- Creating and managing swap files and partitions
- Exercise
- Extended permissions
- Extended file attributes
- Creating and modifying Access Control Lists (ACLs)
- SELinux overview
- Viewing SELinux denials
- Exercise
- NFS overview
- Configuring an NFS server and client
- Configuring AutoFS - The Automounter
- Samba overview
- Configuring a Samba server and client
- Configuring SELinux for Samba
- Exercise
Course Contents - DAY 3
Session 7: SOFTWARE PACKAGE MANAGEMENT- Querying installed and uninstalled packages with RPM
- Verifying packages and finding documentation
- The DNF package manager
- Further DNF options and history
- Further DNF options and history
- Exercise
- Configuring the system hostname
- Configuring IPv4 dynamic and static networking
- Configuring IPv6 addresses
- Capturing and analysing network packets
- Creating Wireshark filters
- Exercise
- Configuring a secure NTP and PTP client
- NTP vs PTP
- Configuring an SSH server and client
- Configuring public/private key authentication
- X11 forwarding
- Viewing firewalld services
- Configuring firewalld services and ports
- Exercise
- Viewing Linux log files
- Configuring local and remote logging
- Managing log rotation
- Viewing and configuring the system journal
- Exercise
Course Contents - DAY 4
Session 11: BUILDING A VIRTUAL MACHINE- Virtualisation concepts
- Checking for supported hardware
- Installing a virtual system
- Managing virtual systems via the command line or GUI
- Exercise
- Using at to manage one-off tasks and scripts
- Managing tasks with cron
- Managing system crontab files
- Restricting access to at and cron
- Configuring tasks with anacron
- Exercise
- Time-sharing
- Anatomy of a process
- Monitoring processes via the command line and top
- Killing processes
- Creating systemd service, timer and mount units
- Exercise
- Localisation overview
- Viewing locale variables
- Setting the locale and keymap
- Configuring the system and user time zones
- Converting character sets and encoding
- Exercise
Course Contents - DAY 5
Session 15: BACKUP AND RESTORE- Creating and extracting archived files
- Local and remote copying tools
- Compression utilities
- Viewing compressed files
- Cloning disks and partitions
- Exercise
- Containers overview
- Containers vs Virtualization
- Docker overview
- Creating and managing Podman containers
- Attaching storage volumes
- Committing changes and exporting container images
- Exercise
- Downloading Oracle Linux
- The installation process
- Software selection and disk partitioning
- Configuring networking and users
- Logging in
Customer Outreach Award
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Our Customer Outreach Award is presented to trusted providers who are excellent at responding to enquiries, making your search quicker, more efficient and easier, too.
Continuing Studies
Further Learning
- Oracle Linux 9 Advanced Administration
- Linux Automation with Ansible
- Linux System Security
- Apache Web Server
- Oracle SQL
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