Course description
Git is the most widely used version control system, and GitHub is the most popular hosting service for Git repositories. Millions of developers use these tools daily to collaborate with their colleagues.
This course comprises sessions dealing with version control systems, how Git works, installation, managing a local repository, branching, merging, resolving conflicts, pushing to and pulling from a remote repository, rebasing, getting set up on GitHub, forking, pull requests, and managing repositories on GitHub.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?This course will benefit developers who are required to collaborate using Git and GitHub, and any team member otherwise requiring some level of awareness of how these tools work and the associated workflows and best practices.
Course ObjectivesThis course aims to provide the delegate with the skills and knowledge necessary to be able to collaborate on a project under version control, specifically with Git and GitHub.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Delegates attending this course should be computer literate and will ideally have some experience working at the command line though this is not essential.
Training Course Content
Git and GitHub Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction- Administration and Course Materials
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- What is a VCS?
- The types of VCS
- A short history of Git
- Git vs. Subversion et al.
- The three file states
- The working tree, staging area, and Git DB
- The basic workflow
- Installing Git
- Git config
- Getting help
- What is a repo?
- Creating and cloning repos
- Tracked vs untracked files
- Checking status
- Staging new and modified files
- Ignoring files and directories
- Viewing changes
- Committing changes
- Removing files
- Renaming files
- Viewing commit history
- Undoing changes
- Managing remotes
- Tagging
Course Contents - DAY 2
Session 3: BRANCHING- What is branching?
- Commit objects
- Branches
- The master branch
- Creating a new branch
- Switching between branches
- Divergent history
- Merging
- Resolving conflicts
- Deleting a branch
- Branch management
- Workflows
- Remote branches
- Pushing
- Tracking branches
- Pulling
- Rebasing
- Stashing
- What is GitHub?
- Getting set up
- The GitHub flow
- Pull requests
- No fast-forward merge
- Keeping up with upstream
- Creating a new repo
- Adding collaborators
- Free and paying GitHub accounts
- Changing the visibility of a repo
- Deleting a repo
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