Course description
This Developing Node.js Web Applications course is for developers who wish to use JavaScript to create network applications.
This course explains the event loop structure of Node.js applications and how to use structures like callbacks and promises to take advantage of it. It goes on to describe file handling, streams and error handling.
It takes a hands-on approach to Node.js applications and includes details on NPM, database access and the Express framework.
Exercises and examples are used throughout the course to give practical hands-on experience with the techniques covered.
Who will the Course Benefit?This course is aimed at JavaScript developers who wish to use Node.js to build fast, efficient and scalable applications.
Course ObjectivesBy the end of the course delegates should be able to:
- Install Node.js, NPM and Express
- Understand Node.js event-based programming
- Create a web server and build web applications on it
- Create and use modules
- Build a web application using promises, buffers and streams
- Improve an application with robust error handling
- Handle routing with Express.js
- Use Node.js to connect to a database
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
An understanding of HTML and CSS selectors, as well as some knowledge of JavaScript is required. This knowledge can be obtained by attendance on the pre-requisite courses.
Experience to the level as demonstrated in this course is recommended:
- JavaScript Developer
Training Course Content
Developing Node.js Web Applications Training Course
Course Contents - DAY 1
Course Introduction- Administration and Course Materials
- Course Structure and Agenda
- Delegate and Trainer Introductions
- What is Node.js?
- Asynchronous Processing
- Server-side JavaScript
- Installing Node and NPM
- Running REPL
- Executing a File
- Command Line Input
- Node.js Modules
- Installing with NPM
- Global and Local Installation
- The package.json File
- The require() Function
- Callbacks
- Promises
- Arrow Functions
- JSON and Node.js
- Using Buffers
- Streaming Data
- Accessing the File System
Course Contents - DAY 2
Session 5: ERROR HANDLING- Errors from Callbacks and Promises
- Application Specific Errors
- Using the verror Module
- Running with Nodemon
- Express Web Servers
- Request and Response Objects
- Configuring Routes
- Uploading Files
- REST Applications
- Connecting to SQL Databases
- Connecting to MongoDB
- Schema Management
- Transaction Handling
- Securing Passwords
- JSON Web Tokens
- Authenticating Endpoints
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Average rating 4.8
Good course - Brian was a good instructor
Brian, the tutor explained the course very well.
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Why StayAhead. From a single person on a scheduled course to large scale training projects StayAhead Training have the expertise and experience to help. Established since 1992, StayAhead Training is recognised as one of the leading independent IT Training specialists...
It was a very quick 2 day coverage of Node.js which we had some coverage on longer courses in React and JavaScript to a certain extent. The course was quick as it was 2 days wi...