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Professional Training

Ways into Creative Writing - Introduction

7 weeks
90 GBP
7 weeks
90 GBP
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Course description

Ways into Creative Writing - Introduction:


This course provides a supportive environment for both native and non-native speakers of English who want to write good short stories. You will practise good writing techniques and be inspired to write. This course is suitable for beginners or those with a little experience of creative writing.

By the end of the course you'll be able to:

Get started and beat writer's block

Write dialogue for stories and stage

Create characters

Structure your stories

Identify different viewpoints

Use verbs and adverbs to affect pace

Identify different genres and have the opportunity to write a piece of horror fiction

Your tutor will provide writing exercises in class and for homework. There will be discussions, group and pair work. You are invited to ask questions at any time.

Next Steps

We offer other creative writing courses at the College you could take to develop your skills further or you could take a longer course at a local London college.

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Outcome / Qualification etc.

No Qualification


Good spoken and written English.

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