Course description
This Java course is excellent for those wanting to learn how to code in Java, a powerful object-oriented programming language. The content covers the IT Specialist (ITS) Java exam objectives, gaining this certification will improve employability prospects for any software development position requiring Java coding skills.
The course covers Java fundamentals, datattypes and variables, flow control, object-oriented principles, and compiling and debugging code. These concepts are covered through simulating writing code for an online store, thus adding a real life scenario to this course.
Upcoming start dates
Suitability - Who should attend?
Is this for you?
This Java course is excellent for those wanting to learn how to code in Java, a powerful object-oriented programming language.
There are no specific pre-requisites required before starting this course.
Outcome / Qualification etc.
- Access to our LiveTutor service to help answer any content or learning queries you may have on a 24/7 basis.
- The flexibility and value of a self study course designed to enable you to work at your own pace.
- The opportunity to gain the widely recognised Pitman Training Certificate.
Training Course Content
Domain 1 - Java Fundamentals
Introduction, the Use of Main, Basic Input and Output, Variable Scopes.
Domain 2 - Data Types, Variables and Expressions
Primitive Type Variables, String Manipulation, Arrays and Arrays Lists, Parsing, Casting and Conversion, Arithmetic and Assignment Operators.
Domain 3 - Flow Control Implementation
Branching Statements, Loops.
Domain 4 - Object Oriented Programming
Classes, Class Data Members, Methods, Instantiate and Use a Class Object.
Domain 5 - Code Compilation and Debugging
Syntax, Logic and Runtime Errors, Exception Handling, Course Recap.
Continuing Studies
The course covers Java fundamentals, datattypes and variables, flow control, object-oriented principles, and compiling and debugging code. These concepts are covered through simulating writing code for an online store, thus adding a real life scenario to this course.
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