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Professional Training

World War 2 QLS Level 3

399 GBP
399 GBP
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Course description

This course will allow you to study when and where you want, at your own pace. All coursework can be submitted by email making it simple and hassle-free. All of the materials will be delivered to you so it couldn’t be easier. Our experienced and friendly tutors are always a click away by email, giving you advice and helping you through your course.

Course Content

Unit 1 Pre-War 1939

  • The treaty of Versailles
  • Effect on Germany after 1918
  • Adolf Hitler 1933
  • Appeasement policy
  • Nations avoiding another war

Unit 2 1939

  • How WW2 began
  • System of alliances
  • ‘The phony war’
  • Invasion of Poland
  • Military technology since 1914
  • Movements in the first year of war

Unit 3 1940

  • German invasion of the lowlands, Norway and Denmark
  • German invasion of France
  • Characteristics of ‘blitzkrieg’
  • The Battle of Britain
  • Formation and characteristics of the axis alliance

Unit 4 1941/1942

  • Rationale which informed operation Barbarossa
  • Operation Barbarossa
  • Events including Pearl Harbour
  • American entry into the war

Unit 5 1943/1944

  • Why Italy surrendered to the allies in 1943
  • ‘D-Day’
  • Changes in military technology to 1944
  • The home front in Britain and Germany

Unit 6 1945 Post-War

  • Why Germany collapsed in 1945
  • War closing phase
  • Nuclear weapons
  • Setting the scene for the cold war
  • Significance of WW2 in terms of world history

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Pay Now: GBP 399.00
OR 6 Monthly Instalments of GBP 74.85 with a deposit of GBP
49.90 totalling 499

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