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Doing Business in China - A Guide for Corporate & Commercial Lawyers - Webinar

1.3 hours
Next course start
14 October, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
1.3 hours
Next course start
14 October, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online

Course description

This webinar will explore real-life cases ranging from criminal law to commercial and finance law to see how you can navigate your way in the world’s second largest economy.

It will provide a basic overview of the legal framework in China, the role of non-legal rules, and more.

Protection of IP will also be discussed, as well as UK sanctions, how to negotiate and draft contracts, and the biggest risk issues.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

14 October, 2024

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Following all MBL courses, a certificate of attendance will be provided for those who are required to evidence their CPD activity to a professional body.

Training Course Content


China has ten times the population of Russia, and ten times the GDP. It has changed rapidly from a country where Western business was sought to one where it is merely tolerated. However, China is still a huge consumer market eager for products and services from overseas, and it is still an outsourcing hub where you can get almost anything manufactured. You need to know how to reduce risk when trading there.

China has recently issued a raft of new legislation which is having both good and bad effects on investment. In particular, it has reformed its State Secrets Law, issued an Administrative Reconsideration Law, amended its civil procedure law, and others. It is important to understand in what areas you can afford to be pushy, and when you need to be cautious. It is no good simply relying on your in-country representative to advise on every aspect of China’s legal and economic life. As a foreigner, you will find that you are in some ways more exposed than locals, while also enjoying more protections.

This webinar will explore real-life cases ranging from criminal law to commercial and finance law to see how you can navigate your way in the world’s second largest economy.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • Basic overview of the legal framework in China
  • The role of non-legal rules
  • How to negotiate and draft contracts
  • The effect of the Chinese language
  • The biggest risk issues: criminal law and real life cases involving foreign business people
  • UK sanctions
  • How to get the best out of your relationship with a Chinese entity
  • Protection of IP (trademarks and patents)
  • Why China is easier than the UK


From £99
MBL Seminars Limited
C/o Law Business Research
Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn
WC1V 7QT London

MBL Seminars Limited

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