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Contempt of Court - An Introductory Guide for Family Lawyers - Webinar

1.3 hours
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Available On-Demand See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
1.3 hours
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Available On-Demand See details
Course delivery
Self-Paced Online

Course description

Contempt of court underpins everything all lawyers do. This can be in seeking compliance with orders or undertakings or bringing committal proceedings.

Family litigation - both children and money cases - involve an understanding of the principles of contempt of court as much as any other litigation as is reflected in the number of committal cases emanating from the family courts.

In this 1-hour webinar, barrister Sarah Lucy Cooper will explore relevant statutes, criminal and civil contempt, bringing an application, penalties, purging of contempt, and much more.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Available On-Demand

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Following all MBL courses, a certificate of attendance will be provided for those who are required to evidence their CPD activity to a professional body.

Training Course Content


Contempt of court underpins everything all lawyers do. This can be in seeking compliance with orders or undertakings or bringing committal proceedings.

Family litigation - both children and money cases - involve an understanding of the principles of contempt of court as much as any other litigation as is reflected in the number of committal cases emanating from the family courts.

What You Will Learn

This webinar will cover the following:

  • A brief history and background of contempt
  • The place of contempt in family law - abduction, domestic abuse, non payment, fury with judge
  • Creature of common law - the important cases
  • Relevant statutes
  • Criminal and civil contempt - a distinction without a difference?
  • Bringing an application - FPR 37. Public policy and the role of the applicant
  • Permission, transfer to another judge, split hearings, autrefois acquit, arrest
  • Penalties - custody, fine, confiscation of assets - compensation for the applicant?
  • Purging of contempt - Hadkinson principles
  • Contempt v criminal proceedings - the pros and the cons
  • Undertakings
  • Contempt in an international context


From £99
MBL Seminars Limited
C/o Law Business Research
Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn
WC1V 7QT London

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