Course description
Person-Centred Practice
Health and social care professionals provide the highest quality of care by developing strong partnerships between themselves, the individuals for whom they care and the other services that provide care and support.
Person-Centred Practice, with its focus on providing personalised care that treats people with compassion and respect, provides a framework that enables health and social care professionals to create effective relationships between all parties
. This course aims to ensure that the learner understands what Person-Centred Practice is, why it is important, and what constitutes best practice in its implementation.
Person-Centred Practice and its relationship to wellbeing
What is Person-Centred Practice?
- Personal values
- Professional values – The Six Cs
- Person-centred values, including:
- Individuality
- Choice
- Privacy
- Respect
- Independence
- Dignity
- Partnership Rights
- Care plans
- Handovers and team meetings
- Communication in Person-Centred Practice
Upcoming start dates
Outcome / Qualification etc.
Awarding Body: Learning Nexus
Price: £17.99 Inc VAT