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Professional Training

Epidemics IV

edX, Online
3 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
3 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Epidemics IV

“If history is our guide, we can assume that the battle between the intellect and will of the human species and the extraordinary adaptability of microbes will be never-ending.” (1)

Despite all the remarkable technological breakthroughs that we have made over the past few decades, the threat from infectious diseases has significantly accelerated. In this course, we will learn why this is the case by looking at the fundamental scientific principles underlying epidemics and the public health actions behind their prevention and control in the 21st century.

This is the last (communication of infectious diseases) of the four courses, covers these topics:

  • Risk Communication in Disease Outbreaks
  • Communicating Infectious Diseases

If history is our guide, we can assume that the struggle between human intelligence and will and the amazing fitness of microbial species will continue forever. "(1)

Despite the impressive technological breakthroughs we have made in the past few decades, the threat of infectious diseases to humanity has increased significantly. This course will explain the above phenomena by studying the basic scientific principles of epidemiology and the public health measures to prevent and control epidemics.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?



Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • Risk Communication in Disease Outbreaks
  • Communicating Infectious Diseases
  • Why Doesn't Public Follow Health Advice
  • Perceptions of Risk and The Idea of Risk Communication
  • Risk Transmission in Disease Outbreaks
  • spread of infectious disease
  • Why the public is not following health advice
  • Risk awareness and risk communication concept

Training Course Content

Week 1: Communication (Communicating Disease Risk)

  • Risk Communication in Disease Outbreaks
  • Communicating Infectious Diseases
  • Why Doesn't Public Follow Health Advice

Week 2: Communication (Communicating Disease Risk) cont.

  • Perceptions of Risk and The Idea of Risk Communication
  • Perceptions of Risk
  • Risk Communication

Week 3: Supplementary Module on Next Generation Informatics for Global Health

  • From Disease Tracking to Disease Understanding Using Internet Data

Course delivery details

This course is offered through University of Hong Kong, a partner institute of EdX.

2-3 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$139
  • Audit Track - Free