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Professional Training

Building Modern Nodejs Applications on AWS

edX, Online
6 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
6 weeks
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Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Building Modern Nodejs Applications on AWS

In modern cloud native application development, it’s often times the goal to build out serverlessarchitectures that are scalable, are highly available, and are fully managed. This mean, less operational overhead for you and your business, and more focusing on the applications and business specific projects that differentiate you in your marketplace. In this course, we will be covering how to build a modern, greenfield serverless backend on AWS.

Building brand new applications on AWS is a different task than lifting and shifting existing applications into AWS. When you have an existing application that you need to move to AWS, you might first look to using Amazon EC2 as your virtual machines, or maybe you might look into using docker containers and container hosting services like Amazon Elastic Container Service or Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. Those are all great application hosting options, but in most cases, they still require you to have some kind of pulse on the underlying infrastructure hosting your application.

In this class, we will explore how to build an API driven application using Amazon API Gateway for serverless API hosting, AWS Lambda for serverless compute, and Amazon Cognito for serverless authentication. We will follow an API driven development process and first mock up what the API will look like. We will cover all the ins and outs of the service Amazon API Gateway, and as you’ll learn- it does a lot more than just hosting an API.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?


We expect that you have basic knowledge of AWS already. Some examples of concepts you should be familiar with are: you should know the basics of the AWS Global infrastructure, like what regions and availability zones are. You also should know the at a high-level AWS Identity and Access Management, or IAM, and how it is used to control access to AWS resources. You should also understand what an Amazon EC2 instance is, what Amazon S3 is, what a VPC is, as well as other basic AWS terminology.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • How to build a modern, greenfield serverless backend on AWS
  • How to build an API driven application using Amazon API Gateway for serverless API hosting
  • How to build an API driven application using AWS Lambda for serverless compute
  • How to build an API driven application using Amazon Cognito for serverless authentication

Training Course Content

Week 1

  • Architecting for the Cloud
  • What we are building
  • Introduction to AWS Cloud9
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  • AWS APIs
  • Section Reading
  • AWS SDK Exploration (Node)
  • AWS Credentials in Cloud9
  • Introduction to the Serverless Application Model (SAM)
  • AWS Toolkit for (Cloud9/IntelliJ/PyCharm)
  • Section Reading
  • Quiz
  • Lab 1: Create a static website in Amazon S3

Week 2

  • Introduction to API Driven Design
  • API driven development
  • What is Amazon API Gateway?
  • Amazon API Gateway terminology
  • Section Readings
  • Models and Mapping
  • Creating an API with Mock integration
  • Using Mappings
  • Using Models
  • Section Readings
  • Publish API
  • Using Postman to create requests
  • Section Readings
  • Lab 2: API
  • API Authentication
  • Introduction to Amazon API Gateway authentication
  • Amazon API Gateway access controls
  • Amazon API Gateway authentication and authorization mechanisms
  • Amazon Cognito
  • Introduction to Amazon Cognito
  • Using Amazon Cognito to sign in and call Amazon API Gateway
  • Section Readings
  • Quiz
  • Lab 3 Cognito

Week 3

  • Serverless Computing and AWS Lambda
  • Introduction to AWS Lambda
  • AWS Lambda Execution
  • AWS Lambda permisions
  • Section Readings
  • Triggers, Push, Pull model
  • AWS Lambda execution context and reuse
  • AWS Lambda Compliance
  • Asynchronous vs Synchronous Responses
  • Section Readings
  • Versions and Aliases
  • Creating a lambda function using the AWS CLI
  • Creating and Debugging a AWS Lambda Function using the AWS Toolkit
  • Section Readings
  • Lab 4: AWS Lambda
  • Quiz

Week 4

  • Orchestration
  • Creating a serverless workflow
  • Introduction to AWS Step Functions
  • Step Functions API exploration
  • Step Function State types
  • Section Readings
  • Step Function Service Integrations
  • Amazon API Gateway and Step function Integration
  • Callback patterns
  • Step Function Activities
  • Standard vs Express Step functions
  • Section Readings
  • Other Orchestration and messaging Services
  • Event Driven Architectures
  • SQS, SNS, EventBridge
  • Section Reading
  • Lab 5: Process
  • Quiz

Week 5

  • Observability
  • Introduction to Observability
  • Introduction to Amazon X-Ray
  • X-Ray, API Gateway, and Lambda
  • Using the AWS X-Ray SDK with (Node)
  • Section Readings
  • API Gateway and Lambda Logs
  • Amazon CloudWatch Logs integration with API Gateway, Step Functions, and Lambda
  • Configuring CloudWatch Logs in API Gateway, Step Functions, and Lambda
  • Section Readings
  • Quiz

Week 6

  • Optimization
  • Introduction to edge-optimized endpoints
  • API Gateway Response caching
  • Lambda at the Edge
  • Section Readings
  • Lambda Performance
  • Lambda Layers
  • Lambda best practices
  • Section Readings
  • API Gateway optimization
  • API Gateway Proxy for AWS APIs
  • API Gateway HTTP APIs
  • Section Readings
  • Lab 6: Optimizing
  • Quiz
  • Course Wrap-up
  • Final Readings
  • Final Assessment

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Amazon Web Services, a partner institute of EdX.

1-4 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$169
  • Audit Track - Free