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Copywriting for Digital Masterclass

2 days
850 GBP excl. VAT
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Self-Paced Online
2 days
850 GBP excl. VAT
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Course description

Copywriting for Digital Masterclass

On this 2-day course you'll learn how to write better copy for web, email, social media and blogs. Use these techniques to gain attention, drive traffic and improve results. Understand what works and apply this to your writing.

You will learn to:

  • Understand how an audience interacts with digital media differently from print
  • Identify what makes digital content successful for web, email, social media and blogs
  • Produce persuasive copy across all digital media whether you're writing, repurposing or editing
  • Drive web traffic by creating copy that will be found by search engines
  • Improve return on investment by using the right words in the right places

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is designed for marketers or managers with responsibility for – or interest in – writing, editing and repurposing digital copy for:

  • Websites
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media
  • Blogs

Enrol onto ‘Copywriting for Digital Masterclass’ course and receive the ‘DMA Copywriting Guide’. The guide has been devised by numerous marketing industry experts. It will help you understand how to do one-to-one marketing the right way.

Training Course Content

Day 1: Copywriting for Web and Email Masterclass Introduction to writing for digital channels

  • How do readers ‘see’ digital content?
  • The 'skim' factor
  • Skimmers and scanners v longer readers
  • Web usability research and what it means for effective writing
  • Mobile – where else your customers and audience might read your copy

Breaking down the brief

  • Getting started with a digital mind-frame
  • Importance of key words and phrases
  • How to sell digital copy
  • Making the most of each medium – websites, emails, ads
  • What will work, where?
  • Checklist for effective web writing

Expanding the content for web pages

  • How SEO affects digital content – where else will your headlines appear?
  • Which words are the most important on a web page? And why?
  • Understanding ‘call to action’ the digital way

Making emails and email marketing campaigns work harder

  • Who reads marketing emails?
  • Who doesn’t? And why?
  • Getting the subject line right
  • Not getting sent straight to spam
  • Effective email copy
  • Golden rules and cardinal sins
  • Test test test – what to test and why

Editing and repurposing content for digital channels

  • Key points to consider when repurposing or editing content
  • At what stage digital content should be considered
  • Quick wins with little effort
  • When copy alone is not enough... Making sure enhanced content is working just as hard for you.
  • Key editing do’s and don’ts
  • How to start incorporating the day’s principles within other digital copy opportunities

Day 2: Copywriting for Social Media and Blogs Masterclass Introduction/recap on writing for digital channels

  • Where blogging and social media sit in the marketer’s arsenal
  • How do they affect SEO?
  • Why do they need to be written in a different way to websites and print copy?
  • Brief intro/recap on digital usability and your audience/brand

Blogging: What makes a great blog?

  • What is a blog?
  • Dialogue, not a conversation
  • Top 5 content rules for a great blog
  • Top 5 cardinal sins for a great blog
  • Where to find blogs, where to promote blogs, existing blog examples

Individual Exercise: Create a new blog in WordPress

  • What else is out there?
  • Name your blog and create a template
  • Write your first posts
  • Add images and video

Taking the blog further

  • Links/blog-rolls/tag clouds etc.
  • Dealing with comments
  • Stimulating comment

Social Media - think strategically, not tactically

  • What is it you want to achieve?
  • Recap the potential benefits
  • Where is your audience?
  • What are they doing and what do they expect?
  • How will you measure success?

The key players: Facebook, Twitter and more

  • What do they each offer
  • What do their users expect
  • How could they work for you
  • Key competitors
  • What do you need to think of from a writing point of view?

Using social media for search

  • How does that work?
  • The importance of your words and phrases when other people are searching
  • Making the most of the #tag/RT/lists

Getting the tone right

  • Top 5 things to remember when writing for social media

Dealing with comments and feedback

  • commenting and dealing with comment – tone, phrasing, reaction

Group Summary of the day:

  • Create a personal list of digital do’s and don’ts
  • Identify future training requirements

Why choose Data and Marketing Association

Over 30 years experience as a leading awarding body for qualifications in data & digital marketing

Over 100,000 people have attended our courses

Over 15,000 marketers have earned a professional certification with us


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
Write a review!
Nathalie Llovet
21 Jul 2017
Invaluable insight, informative and confidence boosting. Well-structured with course notes provided.

Fantastic course for building my skills.

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