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Short University Courses

Rocket Motors and Propellants

Cranfield University, In Shrivenham
5 days
2,100 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
10 February, 2025 See details
Course delivery
5 days
2,100 GBP excl. VAT
Next course start
10 February, 2025 See details
Course delivery
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Course description

The Rocket Motors course provides an understanding of the principles of rocket propulsion and rocket propellant composition and performance.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

10 February, 2025

  • Classroom
  • Shrivenham
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

Students must have successfully completed the Introduction to Explosives

Engineering course or have relevant experience in order to take this as a Short Course for Credit.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

On successful completion of the course participants should be able to:

  • Apply the principles of thermodynamics and gas dynamics to rocket propulsion, demonstrating that a solid rocket motor is a self-regulating device;
  • Critically evaluate the principle of charge design applied to examples in the defence and commercial sectors;
  • Evaluate the design of a propellant formulation against the key user requirements of safety, performance and combustion signature;
  • Analyse the latest developments and drivers in the manufacture and design of future rocket propellant formulations.

Training Course Content

Core content

Rocket Propulsion:

  • Principles of reaction propulsion;
  • Fundamental principles of applied thermodynamics and gas dynamics;
  • Mach number, flow function, flow area relationship;
  • Convergent-divergent nozzles;
  • Definitions of propulsion performance criteria;
  • Internal ballistics of solid propellant rocket motors;
  • Charge design for particular applications;
  • Rocket motor components;
  • Thrust vector control methods;
  • Velocity and range equations for accelerating and cruising projectiles.


  • Principles of rocket propellant composition;
  • Properties and applications of cast and extruded double base propellants;
  • Properties and applications of rubbery composite propellants;
  • Properties and applications of liquid monopropellants and bipropellants;
  • New developments in propellant composition and formulation.

Course delivery details

One course per year; 5 days duration per course. Divided between traditional lectures, ballistic tutorials and a rocket motor range firing.

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MK43 0AL Cranfield

Cranfield University

Cranfield is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management. We have many world-class, large-scale facilities, including our own global research airport, which offers a unique environment for transformational education...

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