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Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship MSc

Cranfield University, Nationwide
24 months
Next course start
October 2024 See details
Course delivery
24 months
Next course start
October 2024 See details
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Course description

Our Digital and Technology Solutions Apprenticeship MSc programme is unique and innovative as it focuses on developing knowledge to design and develop digital technologies and solutions in areas such as AI/Machine learning, digital twins, AR/VR, data analytics, data management across sectors that rely on complex products and services.

Throughout the course, we offer a blend technical and managerial skills to promote the creation, adoption, and evolution of digital technologies and solutions. We put problem based learning at the heart of this educational experience, which involves group based working to solve real-life challenges. The course is geared towards developing practical solutions throughout the programme.

The course will significantly improve the career prospects of students as they will be equipped with skills to not only choose the right digital technologies and solutions for their sector, but also they will be capable to apply their knowledge to create solutions to significant challenges.

The Digital and Technology Solutions MSc is a world-leading programme developed by Cranfield with close engagement with industry sectors such as aerospace, defence, manufacturing, rail, banking, healthcare, and wider sectors that depend on digital technologies. The Course has been designed for professionals to fit around demanding careers, the course has been designed to develop the skills to lead change in business through digital technologies.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

October 2024

  • Classroom
  • United Kingdom
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is novel as it brings together technical and management skills in the digital transformation theme. Our differentiator will be to go through an end to end digitalisation journey. This involves capturing requirements, designing the suitable solution, developing the data and analytics capability, visualising the solutions to alternative stakeholders, and finally the integration and assurance of the solutions. . The unique selling point of the course is to move beyond raising awareness of digital technologies and solutions, in to developing individuals to have the required capability and understanding to develop suitable solutions to key industrial challenges.

Across sectors, for those who recognise the potential for a long and successful career utilising digital technologies and solutions . This course addresses the need for highly trained professionals for sectors that rely on digital technologies and solutions. It focuses on how to enable the transformation into world-class products and processes. The course is is suitable for:

  • Experienced professionals who are seeking or are required to take on senior leadership roles within organisations that rely on digital technologies and solutions.
  • Early and mid-career professionals who want a “real-world” education that they can apply directly to their workplace.
  • Second career professional seeking a change into a digitally driven organisation.

Training Course Content

Introduction to Digital Engineering​​

    This module provides the skills to choose and justify new digital technologies and solutions by implementing appropriate requirements analysis, technology road-mapping and strategy development considering alternative targets such as return on investment and customer value.


    • Introduction to digital engineering including digitalisation vs digitisation vs digital transformation.
    • Introduction to requirements capture and systems engineering.
    • Justifying Prevent, Safeguarding and British Values in the context of the digital technologies and solutions that will be considered for adoption.
    • Building awareness and justification of digital technologies and solutions.
    • Technology road-mapping to evaluate future potential technological developments.
    • Return on Investment analysis in the context of digital technology and solutions.
    • Developing a strategic plan for digital transformation and the future work environment considering the role of technology leadership, change management and continuous improvement.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Justify appropriate methods for requirements capture for digital technology and solutions within the system of system context.
  • Appraise the opportunities that digital engineering offers by developing roadmaps for alternative digital technologies and solutions.
  • Critique and design methodologies to evaluate and prioritise digital technologies for alternative requirements including return on investment.
  • Critically evaluate human-machine collaboration in the face of automation and manual tasks in industrial settings.
  • Develop a strategic plan to seize the potential benefits of digital engineering via workplace transformations whilst considering a variety of factors such as ethics, human factors, IP, culture, sustainability, and value.

Digital Business & Enterprise Systems

    The module aims to provide a system engineering based approach to identify the requirements and processes for the design of digital technologies. As part of this module, the adoption of technologies and solutions into businesses to support digital transformation will be identified, evaluated and established.


    • Introduction to design thinking (lean/agile) for digital technologies adoption.
    • Fundamentals of process mapping, and business capability modelling.
    • Assessing project management methodologies & governance models on digital transformation.
    • Develop and build a Digital Business Ecosystem architecture to enable interoperability.
    • Evaluating the impact of technologies in the context of: Paths and pathway for successful implementation.
    • Social & cultural impact on digital disruption & transformation Human factors.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Construct systems engineering based process mapping methods to evaluate business requirements for digital transformation.
  • Justify approaches for design thinking (e.g. lean / agile) in the context of digital transformation in enterprises.
  • Assess digital architectures and technology roadmaps that enable digital transformation and communicate optimal delivery pathways.
  • Construct a suitable digital architecture and the associated delivery roadmap(s) for strategic adoption and implementation of digital technologies.
  • Critically evaluate the impact of organisational and human readiness and culture for digital transformation.

Digital Business Analysis

    This module will provide the skills to be able to build a system simulation architecture and associated model for agile decision making within an enterprise context.


    • Introduction to modelling including overview of simulation methods and techniques.
    • Simulation design and development.
    • Root cause analysis and risk management for digital engineering.
    • Business process analysis and outcomes prediction.
    • Environmental sustainability analysis.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Appraise different methods for business systems simulation design.
  • Justify the use of simulation models to address significant decisional needs in business management.
  • Compare and contrast the performance of alternative digital business processes through case studies.
  • Construct alternative decision-making models for business process optimisation through case studies.

Digital Twins

    This module focuses on providing the skills to design and develop federated digital twin systems that are integrated in terms of their data, models and visualisation.


    • Introduction to digital twins and demonstration of use cases.
    • Introduce the key enabling technologies for digital twins -such as ontologies, AI, and IoT.
    • Design detailed digital twin architectures including solutions for interoperability.
    • Standards available to design and develop digital twins.
    • Develop digital twin demonstrations considering the spectrum of data, model and visualisation interfaces.
    • Demonstrate the added value that digital twins can offer.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Appraise the contextual need for digital twins and design the digital twin architecture justified by suitable requirements and organisational benefits.
  • Compare and contrast alternative digital twin architectures, which meet the functional and strategic requirements.
  • Justify efficient use of digital twins considering human needs in the context of seamless data, model and visualisation interaction.
  • Construct suitable resilience methods that enable continuous use of digital twins.
  • Evaluate the added value generated from digital twins with a view to offer workplace transformations.

Integrated Data Management

    This module provides the skills to design and develop integrated data management approaches and systems to address data related challenges. This includes managing large volumes of data from disparate sources, identifying and resolving data quality issues, handling disparate data lacking integration and generating insights for agile decision making that are integrated in terms of their data, models and visualisation for agile decision making.


    • Introduction to software programming with a view to developing data management systems.
    • Evaluate existing standards related to data management.
    • Apply methods for data needs analysis.
    • Establish mechanisms for enabling connectivity of data acquired from alternative sources – e.g. people, sensors, 5G, IoT.
    • Develop data structures and approaches to data modelling using ontologies and reference architectures.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Assess the system requirements for the integration and accessibility of data to deliver value in complex systems.
  • Critically evaluate existing approaches to acquire data from fixed and mobile sources.
  • Appraise strategies and techniques to measure and optimise the quality of data.
  • Construct efficient data structures enabled by ontologies and reference architectures to allow continuous and standardised data flow.
  • Justify mechanisms for allowing connectivity of data to enable links to models and visualisation platforms.

Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence​

    This module will provide the processes to design and develop artificial intelligence (AI) based approaches to be trained for data analytics on a spectrum of data types (e.g. messy data, data gaps or big data), whilst also considering the ethical implications.


    • Theory of data analytics, AI, ML, data mining, statistics and supervised learning, e.g., probability, decision trees, regression and classification.
    • Experience of real-world AI/ML applications, in areas such as engineering, business, social media, medical data and financial data.
    • Evaluate alternative ethical considerations including human-machine collaboration that are related to the use of AI/ML. 
    • The opportunity to work on industry problems that can benefit from AI/ML approaches.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Compare and contrast data analytics methods including machine learning (ML) in terms of its current and future concepts, principles and theories. 
  • Construct ML concepts and methods to impart innovative problem-solving skills in a variety of data maturity scenarios.
  • Evaluate value creation opportunities from ML, develop value propositions and revenue models for businesses and organisations.
  • Construct data analytics-based methods for real world problems with the changing nature of digital technology infrastructure and varying volume and quality of data.
  • Appraise ethical responsibility considering human-machine collaboration in data analytics by reflecting on intelligent systems that benefit society.

Adaptive visualisation

    This module aims to provide the ability to design and develop digital visualisation platforms that enable agile decision-making capability.


    • Introduction to visualisation methods.
    • Awareness of human machine interfaces and the associated challenges and solutions.
    • Communication skills for effective illustration and collaboration on complex results.
    • Design and develop dashboards, virtual and augmented reality demonstrators.

Intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

  • Appraise different methods of visualisation for detailed data analysis.
  • Evaluate human-computer interaction methods and their relevance to visualisation.
  • Assess technical narrative and consolidated information for knowledge exchange and effective decision making.
  • Justify the use of dashboards, virtual and augmented reality for adaptive visualisation through case studies.

Digital integration, System Test & Assurance

Course delivery details

The course has been heavily informed by industry with over 25 organisations across sectors involved in its design. We have taken on board the need for a practical experience throughout the programme. This has influenced the way in which we deliver our lectures with a blend of knowledgeable practitioners, and highly experienced academics offering real-life relevant use cases, and challenges to work on. All outputs across the programme are focused on developing impactful outputs to implement at the sponsor organisations. A large proportion of the course is delivered online in order to reduce the need to travel.

The course aligns with the Master's Level Apprenticeship in Digital and Technology Solutions with the following targeted occupational streams: ‘Data Analytics Specialist’ and ‘Digital Business & Enterprise Systems Architecture Specialist’. The course is delivered over 24 months. The course composes of three core parts:

  • Eight modules (80 credits – 10 for each module).
  • Group project at 40 credits.
  • Individual practical project (80 credits).

The modules will typically be spread over 16 months. The group project will run between months 6 and 12, and the individual practical project will be undertaken between months 14 and 24. Developing practical solutions is at the heart of each of these elements, where we will work closely with the sponsor organisations to make the course as impactful as possible for both the student and the organisation. Across the course we will co-design the assessments with the Sponsors in order to develop impactful solutions. Furthermore, the assignments across the modules will be designed to complement each other and lead to the creation of a comprehensive integrated demonstrator.

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