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Counter Improvised Explosive Devised Capability

Cranfield University, In Shrivenham
5 days
2,100 GBP excl. VAT
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5 days
2,100 GBP excl. VAT
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Course description

Counter Improvised Explosive Device Capability aims to enable staff employed within the multitude of streams and disciplines to understand the context of their role within the C-IED environment.

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  • Classroom
  • Shrivenham
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

The Counter-Improvised Explosive Device Capability course is designed to provide military and civilian MOD staff and approved industry personnel with contextual knowledge on the development and use of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and the tactics, techniques and procedures used to counter the threat they present.

The course is an introduction to the capability and is taken on a ‘standalone’ basis. As such, it is essential for those employed in a C-IED role or involved in the development and contracting for individual C-IED solutions, particularly project managers and their teams. The course is also relevant for other MOD staff such as Front Line Commands with responsibility for procurement support and sustainability as well as delivery of C-IED capability.

Students must have successfully completed the Introduction to Explosives Engineering course or have relevant experience in order to take this as a Short Course for Credit.
There are no prerequisites if taken as a Standalone Short Course.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you will learn

To ensure personnel understand the C-IED staff environment with an appreciation of the lexicon and to enable them to describe the technologies that contribute to C-IED and methods of employment. In addition to enable personnel to able to describe and explain the key C-IED activities of, Predict, Pursue, Prevent, Detect, Neutralise, Mitigate, and Exploit.

Training Course Content

Core content

Subjects covered will include:

Prepare the Force:

  • Describe and explain the C-IED approach in accordance with Joint Doctrine Publication 3-65 (AJP-3.15(A)),
  • Understand the development of IED threats based on historical perspective and how these have been countered. Included in this are Adversary Tactics Techniques & Procedures and also the philosophies and principals underpinning the IEDD that counters that threat.

Defeat the Device:

  • Understand the technologies involved in C-IED.  This will be in overview of all across all key activity areas, with greater emphasis on Detect, Neutralise, Mitigate and Exploit
  • Outline the role of aerial assets for ISTAR and ECM in support of C-IED,
  • To provide general C-IED advice to senior and specialist staff in order to contribute to C-IED development in their allocated field.

Attack the Network:

  • Explain the importance of an integrated ‘Understand’ function in support of all activities and the importance of Information Management/Information Exchange in its effectiveness at all levels,
  • Explain the meaning of Influence Activity and its varied means of application at various levels,
  • Perform a basic analysis of an Adversary IED System and identify ways in which it may be countered at various levels and identify what means are available to do so.

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Cranfield University
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MK43 0AL Cranfield

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Cranfield is a specialist postgraduate university that is a global leader for education and transformational research in technology and management. We have many world-class, large-scale facilities, including our own global research airport, which offers a unique environment for transformational education...

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