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Strategic Workforce Planning - Short Course for HR Professionals

30 - 40 Minutes
149 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
30 - 40 Minutes
149 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Master the essential discipline of Strategic Workforce Planning and learn how to support your organisation in successfully executing the business strategy through its people. Discover our step-by-step framework and apply it to help you identify the actions required to acquire, retain, develop, and deploy the talent you need.

This 30-minute interactive short course will walk you through CRF’s model for Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP). Where you will discover the critical steps and how to apply them in the context of your own organisation and its business strategy.

SWP is an essential discipline to help organisations map out what is required in terms of people organisation to deliver the business strategy. It forms a bridge between business and people strategy, and plays an important role in mitigating the people and organisation risks to strategy execution.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is aimed at HR practitioners looking to build skills in strategic workforce planning and support their businesses in developing a robust and impactful people strategy.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

  • Build a robust and comprehensive approach to Strategic Workforce Planning
  • Learn how to apply the skills of SWP in your organisation and build your credibility as a strategic partner to your business
  • Develop a people strategy that’s truly aligned to your business strategy

Training Course Content


  • Strategic Workforce Planning - Introduction
  • What is Strategic Workforce Planning

CRF's Strategic Workforce Planning Model

  • Principles Underpinning the CRF's SWP Model
  • CRF's Strategic Workforce Planning Model


  • Responding to Changes
  • An Expert's Thoughts - John Whelan MBE
  • Summary
  • Recommendations

Further Reading and Resources

  • Strategic Workforce Planning Framework Script
  • Strategic Workforce Planning Research Report

Feedback Questionnaire

  • Feedback Survey
  • Learner Satisfaction

Certificate of Completion

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Corporate Research Forum
42 Berners Street
W1T 3ND London

ABOUT CRF  Founded in 1994, Corporate Research Forum (CRF) is a membership organisation whose purpose is to increase the effectiveness of the HR function, in order to drive sustained organisational performance, by developing the capability of HR professionals. Through more than 30...

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