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Building a High-Performance Culture (HR)

8 hours
349 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
8 hours
349 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

An effective manager is one that improves business performance. Through this course, understand what is meant by high-performance, learn how to create a culture that builds and develops performance, and master the processes of managing performance.

Gain the tools to improve organisational performance with this interactive course. Understand what performance is and why it is important(hearing from the Chief Economist of the Bank of England).Discover the essentials and secrets of performance culture as you learn about strategy; people and capability elements; and HR’s role in providing the catalyst for enhanced performance.

Hear how top HR Directors define and develop performance culture and explore the detail of a successful performance appraisal. Taking this course will equip you with a practical model for a systematic approach to improve organisational performance, demonstrating your value in the process.

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  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?

This course is aimed at the HR Manager looking to create a high-performance culture. It will explore the elements needed to improve business performance, from the individual and organisational levels.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

  • Understand what constitutes performance for an organisation
  • Apply a practical model for a systematic approach to improve organisational performance, including: strategy and direction, performance culture, people and capability, and review with evaluation
  • Learn how to demonstrate your contribution in providing the catalyst for enhanced performance

Training Course Content

What Constitutes Performance for an Organisation?

  • Introduction
  • Course Overview
  • Definitions
  • What Constitutes Performance?
  • Model Introduction
  • Adding Value to Strategy - Exercise
  • Thank you

Introduction to Building a High-Performance Culture

  • About CRF
  • Who is John Whelan
  • Course Overview

What Constitutes Performance for an Organisation?

What is performance and why is it important? Hear from the Chief Economist of the Bank of England. Some definitions and Introducing our performance model.

  • Introduction
  • Definitions
  • What Constitutes Performance?
  • Model Introduction
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge
  • Additional Resource: Model - Organisation Performance Improvement

Purpose, Strategy and Direction

The performance story of an organisation logically starts where the key decisions are made about its strategy and direction – at the ‘top of the house’. This is also where the risk appetite and behavioural standards should be articulated, and governance set in place.

  • Introduction
  • How do Strategy, Purpose and Direction Relate to an Organisation's Performance and Culture?
  • Directional Clarity
  • Effective Strategy Making
  • HR's Role in Strategy Development
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge
  • Additional Resource: Alex Edmans - Grow the Pie
  • Additional Resource: Meaning and Purpose
  • Additional Resource: How great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek

Performance Culture

Organisational culture is the set of embedded behaviours that the citizens of an organisation display. It is the way people conduct themselves that determines how well plans are executed, targets reached and value generated. How governance and leadership is exercised significantly influences these behaviours.

  • Introduction
  • What is Performance Culture?
  • Exercise: How Top HR Directors Define and Develop Performance CultureTrends in Performance Culture
  • Essentials and Secrets of Performance Culture
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge
  • Additional Resource: Interview on Trust with Veronica Hope Hailey

People and capability

High performing organisations self-evidently require good people, but also need to resource them well and maintain a cultural environment that allows them to flourish. Otherwise they won’t join or stay.

  • Introduction
  • Organisational Culture
  • Trends in Culture Management
  • HR as Performance Experts
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge
  • Additional Resource: High Flyers and High Performance

Review and Evaluation

The necessity to apply rigorous measurement and evaluation to review processes is a key part of our model, and is the part of improving organisations that HR often struggles with. We have therefore maybe given disproportionate space to this aspect of the model, and will look at three major areas that contribute here; Organisational performance and development., Individual performance and development, Reward and recognition.

  • Introduction
  • Organisational Performance
  • Individual Performance and Development
  • Exercise: How Top HR Directors Describe their Individual Performance Management Processes
  • Reward and Recognition
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge

What does HR Need to do Differently?

The challenge for HR is to demonstrate that its contribution provides the catalyst for enhanced performance – from organisational to individual level. This is not how HR is sometimes viewed. To shift its reputation, HR needs to become expert on the topic of performance and performance management.

  • Introduction
  • Exercise: Understanding 'Performance Management'Exercise: Addressing Senior Leadership
  • Exercise: Adding Value to Strategy
  • Exercise: Embedding Strategy and Aligning Objectives
  • Exercise: High-Performance Culture
  • Exercise: Strategic Talent Management
  • Exercise: Attraction and Capability
  • Exercise: Performance Review
  • Exercise: HR's Purpose and Capability

The Performance Appraisal

Performance management is the subject of hundreds of column inches in management journals each year. What most of them focus on, however, is not the entire system but one piece of it – the performance appraisal. Despite all the advice and articles written, it is still something most organisations seem to struggle with. Consequently, an entire industry has grown up around re-designing appraisal processes and systems. As they have become more complex, another industry has grown up to train managers to operate them.

  • Introduction
  • Inherent Difficulties
  • Effective Performance Discussion
  • Effective Conversations
  • The Role and Importance of Feedback
  • Ratings or No Ratings
  • Appraisal Design Principles
  • Evaluating Effectiveness
  • Summary
  • Test your Knowledge
  • Additional Resource: Effective Performance Management - a CRF Webinar

Has Performance Really Changed?

In this module we discuss the impact of Covid-19 on business, performance and performance management and consider if practices have fundamentally changed.Introduction00:57What Has Changed?05:23Continuous Feedback03:00Team-Based Goals01:37Developing With Purpose02:11Summary01:09Reflection Questions02:13


  • Further Reading
  • Resources and References

References & Reading List

Certificate of Completion

Certificate of Completion

  • Feedback Questionnaire
  • Feedback Survey

Course delivery details


  • 12 MODULES
  • 44 VIDEOS

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Corporate Research Forum
42 Berners Street
W1T 3ND London

ABOUT CRF  Founded in 1994, Corporate Research Forum (CRF) is a membership organisation whose purpose is to increase the effectiveness of the HR function, in order to drive sustained organisational performance, by developing the capability of HR professionals. Through more than 30...

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