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Short University Courses

Current Practice in Chemical Risk Assessment

Brunel University , In Uxbridge
5 consecutive working days
1,000 GBP excl. VAT
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Course delivery
5 consecutive working days
1,000 GBP excl. VAT
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Course description

This course introduces the concepts and approaches that are currently used in human and ecological risk assessment. The emphasis is on case studies (e.g. from EU pesticide draft assessment reports), where data use and interpretation are practiced in a “hands-on” way.

the main focus of the course is the identification of hazards on the basis of minimal data, fundamentals of exposure assessment (modelling approaches, monitoring and sampling, human biomonitoring) and analysis and interpretation of toxicity data, particularly in terms of data gaps, data quality and the use of non-guideline test systems. Students will become familiar with the use of information systems and decision support instruments, such as ESIS, EUSES, IRIS, and of technical guidance documents and testing guidelines.

This course is aimed at professionals already in employment, who wish to advance their knowledge in toxicology and current risk assessment procedures and further develop their careers. The course is delivered by experts from academia and regulatory bodies to ensure students receive highly up-to-date and comprehensive training.

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  • Uxbridge

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