Training Courses in Austria

Enhance your career possibilities. Professionals looking for accredited training courses recognised by British training providers will find numerous high quality programmes available in Austria. The Austrian industrial sector focuses largely on the machine and steel, food, chemical, medical, electric, electronic and vehicle industries.
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Explore Austria

Austria is a socially and economically stable federal state in Central Europe with a highly developed infrastructure. There are close to 300 international headquarters located in the country and over 400,000 companies have been founded there in the last fifteen years, including several small and medium sized businesses.

Professional development options in Austria

The most popular training programs in the country, designed for professionals who want to take their careers to the next stage, include modules in finance, business and management, human resources, project management and office management. Supply chain management, quality assurance, oil and gas, marketing, engineering and industry are some of the other areas in which there are numerous training programmes available in the capital Vienna and other major cities across Austria.

Who are professional training courses aimed at?

Executives seeking advanced skill developments in general areas like business planning and strategic thinking, supervisory skills, performance evaluation, financial control, competitor analysis, creative team building, audit report writing, language, communication, change management etc. will find programmes to suit their requirements. Programmes offering more specialised training in areas such as anti-money laundering, petroleum economics, management training for construction, web page building, security industry training and numerous other areas are also available from accredited course providers.

Benefits of attending professional training in Austria

Training institutes and organisations in Austria offering programmes across industries and disciplines have some of the best industry experts and faculty from around the world. There are numerous institutions and programmes that are accredited by British organisations. These offer open and scheduled courses in classroom formats, company-specific training programs for in-house employee skill improvement, as well as flexible distance learning or e-learning modules, for anyone interested in enrolling on an online programme. Course duration may range from 1 day to a few weeks. Delegates will find state of the art facilities offering high quality instructions delivered through formal lectures, fieldwork, group discussions, projects, case studies and via various media.

Vienna, one of the major urban centres of Central Europe, is host to many international organizations such as OPEC and the United Nations. With excellent infrastructure and facilities, this and other Austrian cities are prime destinations for professionals from across the world seeking to pursue further education. Professionals who want to advance their careers to the next stage will find plenty of learning opportunities in the country.