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Case studies within Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical


London's pharmaceuticals industry

The United Kingdom's pharmaceutical sector is driven by innovation and has a particularly strong presence in London since the country's capital is known as one of the world's top centres for innovation and for high-value industries. The British pharmaceutical sector is mainly concertrated around London, Cambridge, and Oxford with London being the heart of UK's pharmaceutical sector. According to a government survey towards the end of 2013 there were 82 pharmaceutical sites in London. 

The pharmaceutical industry sector generates approximately 70,000 jobs nationwide, the majority of which are concentrated in London. Approximately 33 per cent of all jobs in the phamaceutical industry are R&D roles. However managerial and sales positions are also common entry routes into this industry sector. More than 15 per cent of all pharmaceutical jobs in London are offered by large multinationals, whereas 40 per cent of the employment opportunities are generated by small and medium-sized companies. Average salaries are among the UK's highest and range from £25,000 for recent graduates to £100,000 for senior employees.

In addition to that, London is home to a wide range of institutions, schools and colleges offering organised and well developed pharmaceutical training courses. Participants have a range of choices varying between scheduled intensive courses at London classrooms and more flexible pharmaceutical courses online. Thereby it can be possible to find exactly what is required to get a complete overview of the subject. The living processes of cells at a molecular level can be studied to offer the essentials of the drug and pharma industry at large. 

London is a world city that often plays host to the most prestigious and important trade events and meetings involved in the fields of pharmaceuticals. This fact can bring the most experienced and forward thinking of industry professionals and leaders to the city throughout the year. For students participating in pharmaceutical training courses in London this can help bring about a fluid exchange of ideas and learning styles out into the wider world.

What do these pharmaceutical training courses cover?

Biochemistry is one of the key components of a training course in pharmaceuticals. This is largely due to the fact that the subject is concerned with the precise constructs of life cells and bio-materials. The area is a combination of biology and chemistry and the key aspects of both of these subjects need to be addressed when studying pharmaceuticals. The most effective professionals and researchers have brought about the best practises for exploring these subjects in London pharmaceutical training courses. With a solid grounding in the exact background of the industry every participant can succeed in their particular career path.

The benefits of completing pharmaceuticals training in London

Graduates of pharmaceuticals training courses in London can expect to see a full range of benefits. For starters, they will stand out from the crowd when applying to jobs and career roles in this busy and competitive industry. This is a career both well paid and highly prized, and anything that can help put a foot through the door of a potential employer should be seized upon with both hands. This is where a pharmaceutical training course in London can make a huge difference. In a personal as well as a professional  approach, the latest courses in pharmaceuticals can provide delegates with all of the skills and experience they will need for a future or an ongoing career.