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Apprenticeship training for companies
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Places within Manchester

Manchester was the world’s first industrial city, and now it’s home to over 105k businesses, generating around £56billion for the UK economy each year. Manchester supports a budding, bustling array of industries, with business, health, education, manufacturing, sport and digital media being the biggest sectors. The density of Manchester means you are likely to find an apprenticeship training provider on your doorstep who is willing to travel to your headquarters to train your staff.

Whether you are an existing employee, a new starter or manager looking to train your talent pool, Manchester’s selection of training courses and apprenticeships has a lot to offer.

There are many different areas that you can explore apprenticeships within, including:

  • Creative & Media
  • Business
  • Administrative
  • Law
  • Accounting
  • Construction
  • Agriculture & Environmental
  • Engineering
  • Manufacturing
  • I.T. & Telecommunications
  • Healthcare
  • Social Care
  • Animal Care
  • Education
  • Retail & Sales
  • Tourism & Hospitality
  • Transport & Logistics
  • Sports & Leisure
  • Science & Mathematics

Who can apply for an apprenticeship training in Manchester?

Apprenticeship training isn’t just for school leavers, although it does offer a valuable route into the career for new starters as well. There is no age limit and apprenticeships are open to people of any age and any career level. Apprenticeships are valuable for staff of any industry looking to learn practical, role-ready knowledge and skills and you can use the apprenticeship levy to train existing staff as well as taking on new employees. Apprenticeships are offered from Level 2 (intermediate) all the way up to Level 7 (degree) and are a great way to develop the knowledge and skill set of existing staff.

Name Level Equivalent Educational Level
Intermediate 2 GCSE
Advanced 3 A Level
Higher 4,5, 6 and 7 Foundation degree and above
Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor's or master's degree

If you are a company required to pay the apprenticeships levy, you can spend your levy money on apprenticeship training and end-point assessment with a training provider on the Education & Skills Funding Agency’s Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP). We only list RoTAP approved apprenticeship providers, and you can search for courses here to find a provider to match.

Apprenticeship training must last a minimum of 12 months and 20% of the apprentice’s time must be spent on off-the-job training. You can only use funds in the account to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment for apprentices that work at least 50% of the time in England, and only up to the funding band maximum for that apprenticeship.

For employers who don’t pay the levy, support is still available. If you pay 10% of the apprenticeship training costs and the government will pay the rest (90%), up to the funding band maximum. This is known as ‘co-investment’.

Choosing the right apprenticeship training provider in Manchester

You can find and compare government approved, RoATP registered apprenticeship providers on our website. If you’re not sure which level is right for you or your staff you can find guides, articles and help on our Apprenticeship Hub.