Professional Training
5.0 (1 Reviews)

CQI/IRCA Certified FD106: Introduction to Process Design

16 hours
395 - 550 GBP excl. VAT
16 hours
395 - 550 GBP excl. VAT
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Course description

CQI/IRCA Certified FD106: Introduction to Process Design

This CQI/IRCA Certified FD106: Introduction to Process Design course will provide fundamental skills for process design and standardisation. Delegates should leave the course with the capability to understand customer and stakeholder requirements and define standardised processes to deliver them.

Suitability - Who should attend?

Who Should Attend?

This course is aimed at anyone who needs to understand customer and stakeholder requirements and define standardised processes to deliver them.


As this is a foundation level course, there are no pre-requisites for attendance.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Course Outcomes

You will have the knowledge to:

  • Define a process that reflects the flow down of customer and stakeholder requirements, including compliance.
  • Define the requirements of the customer/stakeholder for a specific process.
  • Extend process definition through the supply chain.
  • Develop process standardisation in support of the establishment of good process management practice.

You will learn the skills to:

  • Identify where key measures are located in a process.
  • Ensure that processes are well defined and standardised such that they reflect management intent and enable effective audit of performance and risks.
  • Establish a foundational understanding of current performance/practice.
  • Be a quality coach for process thinking and standardisation.
  • Sustain improvements through effective standardisation


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
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James F
31 May 2021
Enjoyed virtual aspect

Distance learning aspect and not having to have set study times. I found the course notes very good too. The online course has been great for me as I have not had to take time o...

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This course is available as both an online course to study at your own pace or a virtual classroom course, please contact us for more details.

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