Professional Training

Seismic Mapping - SEM - Virtual, Blended Short Course

PetroSkills, Online
2 days
2 days

Course description

Seismic Mapping - SEM - Virtual, Blended Short Course

This short course is a blend of self-paced online modules, virtual instructor-led lectures, problem assignments, virtual instructor-led problem debriefs with real-world application examples and knowledge sharing.

Over two days, this course includes approximately 4 hours of virtual, instructor-led training, plus 3.5 hours of e-Learning. See full schedule

This PetroAcademy short course is designed to familiarize anyone using seismic data in the principles of how to map an interpretation made from seismic data. One of the key goals is to explain the large and confusing amount of jargon that is used by the geophysical community when they use seismic data.

This short course is part of our Basic Geophysics (BGP) program.

Suitability - Who should attend?

Geoscientists, engineers, team leaders, geoscience technicians, asset managers, and anyone involved in using seismic data that needs to understand and use this data at a basic level or to communicate with others that use it.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Participants will learn how to:

  • Identify the layout of a 3D seismic survey
  • Turn the interpretation into a data reduction process, resulting in an interpretation and a structural map originally in time

Training Course Content

  • Instructor-led session
  • e-Learning Seismic Mapping Interpretation exercise
  • Optional - Seismic Attributes for Prospect Identification and Reservoir Characterization Articles
  • Instructor Debrief / Problems