Professional Training

Debt Recovery & Enforcement - How to Ensure Success - Learn Live

1.5 hours
Next course start
12 November, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom
1.5 hours
Next course start
12 November, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Virtual Classroom

Course description

Obtaining a county court judgment against a debtor is all well and good, however turning that judgment into actual cash can sometimes prove to be more of a tricky process. In addition, the litigation process itself can be both time and cost consuming, so why invest such resources without knowing that you or your client will make good on the investment?

This virtual classroom seminar with the highly experienced debt recovery solicitor Krystene Bousfield will look at the steps that can be taken to ensure you are in the best possible position to ensure successful enforcement and recovery. The session will also look at the methods available to carry out your own assessment of both personal and business debtors, and the enforcement methods that work best in each case.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

12 November, 2024

  • Virtual Classroom
  • Online
  • English

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Following all MBL courses, a certificate of attendance will be provided for those who are required to evidence their CPD activity to a professional body.

Training Course Content


Obtaining a county court judgment against a debtor is all well and good, however turning that judgment into actual cash can sometimes prove to be more of a tricky process. In addition, the litigation process itself can be both time and cost consuming, so why invest such resources without knowing that you or your client will make good on the investment?

This new virtual classroom seminar will look at the steps that can be taken to ensure you are in the best possible position to ensure successful enforcement and recovery.

Does a debtor have the means to pay their debt; be that immediately or over a period of time? Do they have the ability to pay but are simply ignoring you; hiding assets; or failing to interact? How can you spot the differences between these types of debtors and use this to your advantage?

The session will also look at the methods available to carry out your own assessment of both personal and business debtors, and the enforcement methods that work best in each case.

What You Will Learn

This live and interactive session will cover the following:

  • How to distinguish between ‘can’t pay’ and ‘won’t pay’ debtors
  • Searches and investigative techniques to uncover information about your debtors
  • What should be done before resorting to legal action?
  • Knowing the correct approach to take and which approach is most effective for your business
  • The protocols that must be followed when dealing with individual debtors
  • Pre-action protocol for debt recovery claims
  • Practice direction - Pre-action conduct and protocols of the Civil Procedure Rules
  • Repayment plans, the pros and cons
  • How to deal with debtor disputes


From £144
MBL Seminars Limited
C/o Law Business Research
Holborn Gate, 330 High Holborn
WC1V 7QT London

MBL Seminars Limited

MBL is a leading learning and development provider for professional service firms. Over the past 18 years, more than 198,000 people across 23,000 different organisations spanning 81 countries, have chosen us to deliver their training. With over 800 expert speakers...

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