Professional Training

Pressure Vessel Systems

London Training for Excellence, In London (+3 locations)
5 days
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Course description

Pressure Vessels are containers which are designed to hold liquids, vapours, or gases at high pressures, their format may be of spherical, cylindrical form. Pressure vessels are substantively employed as production and processing components within the oil and gas industry such as storage tanks, boilers etc. Pressure vessels commonly work under substantive pressures; any condition which may occur leading to the release of the stored energy may lead to benign leaks to catastrophic failures impacting human life, the environment and business reputation. In this respect therefore, the design, fabrication, installation, operations as well as and importantly a robust regime of inspection maintenance and repair are all critical factors to be considered. Substantive codes and standards govern these parameters and shall be well employed in order to ensure the overall safety of such operational assets.  

Suitability - Who should attend?

Mechanical engineersProcess EngineersFacilities engineersInspection and Maintenance / Operations Engineers 

Outcome / Qualification etc.

Mechanical engineersProcess EngineersFacilities engineersInspection and Maintenance / Operations Engineers 

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London Training for Excellence
198-206 Acton Lane
NW10 7NH London

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