Course participant reviews for The New Professional Selling Skills

Average rating 4.9

Based on 37 reviews.
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NT, Recruitment Consultant, Zenopa
13 Mar 2015

Very insightful and got me really thinking about how I can change my approach to benefit myself and client but still getting the best value.

JG - Global Client Development Director, Euromonitor
21 Jan 2015

Covered a lot of ground, good reminders and some useful new thoughts. Thanks Nick!

JJ - Key Account Manager, Novartis Pharmaceuticals
27 Aug 2014

The programme worked well for as an intro to the selling process but also develops and helps you understand the thought process of everyone involved in a sale. Very beneficial!

AP - Product Manager, Red Box Direct
18 Jun 2014

The delivery was engaging, the order was logical and overall it made sense. An excellent programme.

RJ - Sales Engineer, Comsol
18 Mar 2013

Excellent. It makes you aware of the little things that can potentially make a big difference. Very detailed and informative.

TG - Business Development Manager, G2 Speech UK
18 Mar 2013

Nick was extremely enthusiastic and informative. I found the whole experience fantastic and would not hesitate to recommend it to others.

JK - Project Manager, Red Box
12 Aug 2012

Concepts were explained very well. All aspects of the course will be useful in my career. We were led through a well structured model of how to work with clients at all levels.

SR - Area Sales, A. Menarini
12 Aug 2012

Very enthusiastic. Great use of interactive exercises and vibrant examples. Well structured.

MR - Sales Director, Majestic Wine Warehouses
17 May 2011

I feel compelled to put in writing how outstanding this course is. It took the ‘myths’ out of selling and showed you instead a logical, common sense and workable way of winning ...

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TH - Advertising Executive, London Review of Books
13 Oct 2010

Clear, concise and covered all the bases... A very good recap and expansion of various selling skills.

LP - Sales Manager, Connect Catering
21 Jul 2010

Very informative, in a clear, concise and fun way. I felt comfortable to learn and have taken a lot away from the programme.

BS - Sales, Blueriver Steel Building
23 Jul 2009

Nick was a great teacher. He used style that was useful for all angles of selling.

Displaying 26-37 of 37 reviews