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Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life

edX, Online
16 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
16 weeks
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Course delivery
Self-Paced Online
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Course description

Introduction to Biology - The Secret of Life

The 7.00x Introductory Biology course materials are available for exploration and completion by registering as an auditor or verified-track learner, including video, interactive problem sets, and exams. We strongly encourage you to work through the activities, towards a goal of learning biology. We have optimized the course settings for learning: instant feedback after trying problems and all content available at all times for self-paced progress. You receive feedback on correctness of answers, but the problem submissions do not count toward the grade for a certificate. Instead, we offer a thorough and robust means of certifying edX learners in their mastery of the MITx introductory biology content, through a the MITx 7.00x Introduction to Biology Competency Exam. This challenging option is available only to those who register for the verified-certificate track, and successful completion of this exam is the only assessment that counts toward a certificate. We highly recommend preparing for the Competency Exam certification by using the current course materials and MIT OpenCourseWare problems. The Competency Exam is offered in the last week of every course run.

7.00x is an introductory level biology course hosted by professor Eric Lander, who was one of the leaders of the Human Genome Project. The course content reflects the topics taught in the MIT introductory biology courses and many biology courses across the world. As a learner, you will first focus on the structure and function of macromolecules such as DNA, RNA and proteins.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

Start anytime

  • Self-Paced Online
  • Online
  • English

Suitability - Who should attend?


High school level biology and chemistry recommended. A desire to learn is required.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

What you'll learn

  • How to describe the building blocks of life and how their interactions dictate structure and function in biology
  • How to predict genotypes and phenotypes given genetics data
  • How to explain the central dogma of molecular biology and convert DNA sequence to RNA sequence to protein sequence
  • How to use molecular tools to study biology
  • How to describe the principles of early sequencing as well as modern sequencing and the effects of these technologies on the filed of genomics
  • How to apply the principles of modern biology to issues in today's society

Course delivery details

This course is offered through Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a partner institute of EdX.

5-10 hours per week


  • Verified Track -$150
  • Audit Track - Free