Course participant reviews for Online: Fashion Styling

Average rating 5

Based on 6 reviews.
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12 Aug 2022
Practical and task-oriented approach

I joined this course without a background in fashion or fine arts. It taught me everything there is to being a stylist. The practical task-oriented approach brought out the crea...

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01 Jul 2022
I chose Condé Nast College because I wanted to learn from the best in the industry

This course has been a wonderful, extremely enriching and stimulating experience. I come from a totally different background
so I started it with no idea of fashion other than w...

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12 Dec 2021
Inspiring and motivational

n six weeks I learned how to interpret images and now I am reading magazines with different eyes. I have also started to take inspiration literally from everything around me. I ...

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29 Mar 2021
Invaluable insights

The classes being online made it possible to converse with creatives from all over the world, and we managed to build relationships that have already lived on beyond the short c...

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17 Dec 2020
Best experience!

This was my second online course with Condé Nast College, and as the first one it was one of the best academic experiences of my life!
During this course I felt part of a commun...

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14 Dec 2020
I would take this course again!

I feel extremely honoured to have taken the Fashion & Styling Insights Course through the Condé Nast College. The curriculum was very powerful and relevant, and the instructors ...

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Displaying 1-6 of 6 reviews