5.0 (1 Reviews)

MA Fashion Communication

1 year
29,950 GBP
Next course start
30 September, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Last application
Last application: 8 weeks before the course starts
1 year
29,950 GBP
Next course start
30 September, 2024 See details
Course delivery
Last application
Last application: 8 weeks before the course starts
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Course description

MA Fashion Communication

The MA Fashion Communication enables professionals and postgraduates to enter the world of fashion through a series of modules that focus on past, present and future scenarios of the wider fashion industry. Closely affiliated with Condé Nast Publications, the course will provide exclusive access to the fashion industry and an unparalleled level of support.

This course is specifically designed to provide opportunities for individuals who wish to go into the fashion industry, but who might not necessarily have experience in this field. You will graduate with a set of transferable skills and knowledge that can be applied to a diverse range of career opportunities within the industry.

Upcoming start dates

1 start date available

30 September, 2024

  • Classroom
  • London
  • English
  • Application deadline: 8 weeks before the course starts

Suitability - Who should attend?

The standard entry requirements for this course are:

  • An honours degree, preferably at 2:1 or above, or an equivalent EU/international qualification.
  • Students must be 18 years or older on the first day of the course.

Outcome / Qualification etc.

This MA is an internationally recognised qualification validated by the University of Buckingham, worth 180 credits at QCF level 7.

Training Course Content

You will be studying this course with the only UK fashion-education provider that operates from within the fashion industry. This exceptional environment provides you with a unique insight into fashion communication in all its forms, as well as providing access to numerous unrivalled experts in their fields.

With weekly guest speakers from a broad range of professions within the fashion and creative industries, you will be learning directly from the best.

Why choose Condé Nast College of Fashion & Design

Industry best connected college in London

World class fashion media education with personalised approached to learning

Over 90 nationalities studying with us


Average rating 5

Based on 1 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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16 Dec 2020
Truly unique

Before getting my MA Fashion Communication degree, I did not know what this would entail as a focused study. What I did know is I wanted to gain experience in the fashion indust...

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To secure a place on the course, students will be asked to pay a deposit of £1,200 at the point of receiving an offer from us.

UK/EU students can pay the tuition fee in instalments throughout the year.

International students will be asked to pay their course fee in full before they start at the College and prior to the issue of a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).

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