Corporate Training for Teams
5.0 (2 Reviews)

Adaptability: How To Become More Adaptable And Handle Change - Corporate Training

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Course description

7 Skills for the future


We all like to think we are adaptable but the reality is that we like to stay in our comfort zones where it’s safe and just easier (and also where we are highly competent).

Our fast paced work and lives and the uncertainty we all face right now requires us to be more adaptable than ever. The only way that’s going to happen is by placing ourselves more in “stretch”.

Being adaptable is the ability to change yourself in response to changed circumstances. We are hard-wired to adapt but naturally resist change. This module shows you lots of ways to flex and strengthen your adaptability skills.

This course will teach your staff/team how to become more self-aware and build and nurture strong adaptability skills.

Training Course Content

By the end of the module your team/employees will have done a lot!
Ø They’ll have a great toolkit for building adaptability
Ø They’ll know and understand all about the huge importance of moving into their stretch zone to learn and grow
Ø They’ll be able to adapt much faster to setbacks, change and new opportunities - crucial in today’s world
Ø They’ll be so much better at embracing change
Ø They will increase their self-awareness
Ø Each learner will have a personalised record of their own learning journey, personalised development online and a certificate of completion.

How long do they need to complete it? They can stop and start at any time. If completing in one go, it should take about 2 - 3 hours with breaks. The course includes lots of extra downloadable resources.

Course delivery details


Your team will be able to access this course online and work through it at their own pace. This can be done individually or together. There are options to create a bespoke landing page for the company so that the course blends seamlessly with any other online learning. Just get in touch to discuss this option!

Why choose 7 Skills For The Future

We deliver hundreds of courses and materials to key clients across the globe.

All our work is backed up by research and based on the internationally selling book "7 Skills for the Future" by Emma Sue Prince and published by Pearson Business.

We offer free membership and an array of free resources to boost personal development.


Average rating 5

Based on 2 reviews.
Reviews are published according to our review policy.
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05 Mar 2024

I will try to apply the skills learned to my life. There were certainly some easy tips I will be able to put into practice.

05 Mar 2024

Interesting and gave me lots of "food for thought".


Please get in touch with 7 Skills For the Future to discuss pricing options

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7 Skills For The Future
7 Skills For the Future Unimenta Garden Studios, 8 Millpond Cottages, Hascombe, Godalming
GU8 4JJ Surrey

7 Skills For The Future

7 Skills For The Future originates from 7 key skills: Adaptability, Being Proactive, Critical Thinking, Empathy, Integrity, Optimism and Resilience based on the internationally selling book 7 Skills for the Future by Emma Sue Prince and published by Pearson Business....

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