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Frequently asked questions

  • Here are some tips to prepare for a job interview. Research the company and the position, practise answering common interview questions, and prepare questions to ask the interviewer. Also, make sure to arrive on time, bring any necessary documents or materials, and be mentally and emotionally prepared.

  • It is advisable to dress professionally and appropriately for the job and industry you're applying for. Typically, this means wearing a suit, dress pants or skirt, and a blouse or button-up shirt. Avoid wearing anything too casual or revealing.

  • Answer questions clearly and honestly, emphasising your qualifications, skills, and experience. Be sure to also express your enthusiasm and interest in the position and company. It's also important to ask thoughtful questions about the job and company to show your engagement and interest.

  • Job interview training can help improve confidence, reduce anxiety, and increase the chances of success in job interviews. It can also help with understanding the interview process, preparing for different types of interview questions, and negotiating salary and benefits.

  • Job interview training can involve different activities, including mock interviews, role-playing, reviewing CVs and cover letters, and providing feedback on communication and body language. It may also involve discussing interview strategies and best practices.

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