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Frequently asked questions

  • An HLTA course is a training program for individuals who wish to become Higher Level Teaching Assistants. It involves learning advanced teaching techniques, behaviour management, and assessment methods. The course usually lasts for several weeks and includes both classroom and practical training.

  • The cost of an HLTA course varies depending on the training provider. Funding may be available through your school or local authority. The government also provides funding for eligible candidates, which you can check on the Gov.uk website.

  • To enrol in an HLTA course, you must have at least a Level 2 qualification in literacy and numeracy. You must also have experience working as a teaching assistant for at least one year. However, some training providers may have additional requirements, so it's best to check with them directly.

  • Becoming an HLTA can lead to career advancement, increased job security, and higher pay. HLTA status is recognised nationally, and it demonstrates that you have advanced teaching skills, knowledge, and experience. It can also enhance your job satisfaction by allowing you to take on more responsibilities and have a greater impact on students' learning.

  • The length of time it takes to become an HLTA varies depending on the training provider and the course structure. Some courses can be completed in a few weeks, while others may take several months. Additionally, the time it takes to complete the course may depend on your availability and commitment to the training programme.

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